the new Ford Focus can park itself, and respond to voice commands. More assistance for those that are incapable & incompetent, just to help put them amongst real motorists
Feb 1, 12:22am
Yes and no. I really could have used such a feature a few weeks ago when I had a really sore neck. Instead, I had to drive an old ute with no P/S.
Feb 1, 12:25am
yes, but cars aren't meant to be ipad apps
Feb 1, 12:34am
yup, enabling the uncoordinated & incompetent to be on the roads with us. in fact making it even easier for them to blunder their way through multiple insurance claims
Feb 1, 12:37am
hang on the minute.the ad clearly states it can VIRTUALLY park other worlds in the real world it'll hit the car behind you while the nose is still in the middle of the road.
Feb 1, 12:44am
So you want to be living in 2012 with all your comfort item, cell phone,I pad,50" plasma, facebook, twater, and of course the interweb with TM on it. But you want your car to be as sophisticated as an HQ, hmmmm interesting.
Feb 1, 12:47am
Now, that's funny!
Feb 1, 1:01am
yeah, well my HQ had voice command way before this, "get off the road yu mongrel!"
Feb 1, 1:10am
The first requirement of the next car I would buy would be to be as light and untechnical as possible. You don't NEED all this crap they put in cars these days, just racks up the repair bills when something goes wrong.
Feb 1, 1:16am
dual mass flywheels integrated thermostats with water pumps. stupid controlled valves and butterflies.
all stuff that could be done away with and save us some money
Nov 27, 8:07am
Your kinda right there, Im sure there are many of us with lateish model cars with the odd gizmo in them. You buy the car play with all the do da's then after a week use about 3 of the 30 available LOL.and im sure theres some that never get used.
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