I am currently on my restricted automatic licence and learning to drive a manual, for when i go for my full licence.
Does anyone know if there are going to be any changes to the conditions in the full practical test. Am I right in thinking that I can go for my full in a manual when I am holding a restricted automatic licence
Thanks for all of the help.
Feb 4, 1:37am
Yes, and you can drive a manual on a restricted auto license as long as you have a supervising driver.
Feb 4, 1:42am
I have heard (not sure if it is correct) that while restricted licences are getting harder, full licences are getting easier.that sounds a bit off though.
Feb 4, 2:13am
Yeah I did see that, saw it on another fourm, notsure if that is correct either
Feb 4, 2:18am
the way it should be , there shouldnt even be a full license test
Feb 4, 2:53am
I agree fully :P
Feb 4, 5:00pm
im thought if you got your restricted in an auto you had to get your full in a auto. thats the way it was when i got my full 2 years ago, the instructer even checked before we got in the car. then when you have your full you can drive either
Feb 4, 5:47pm
http://www.nzta.govt.nz/resources/factsheets/45/learning-to-drive.html Restricted licence conditions: If you sit the restricted test in an automatic vehicle, a condition will be imposed on your licence limiting you to driving only automatic vehicles. This condition does not apply when you are accompanied by a supervisor.
The testing officer is a supervisor. However you also technically need to GET to the test location accompanied by a supervisor.
Feb 4, 8:12pm
Im well overdue to get my full, had the restricted for about 4 years now on the renewal of it - so 14 all up.
Whats the test like! Is it getting easier for real!
Feb 4, 8:52pm
I am under the impression that when you go for your full license in an auto you can still drive manual after that anyway (provided you pass of course) does that sound right!
Feb 4, 11:19pm
Feb 4, 11:37pm
How do you know this!
Feb 5, 12:50am
Maybe he reads the legislation, maybe the road code, who knows. it's correct though.
Feb 5, 12:53am
yep , if you take your restricted in an auto and then take your full in an auto you can then drive either
Feb 5, 3:28am
What happened to the days when you booked in for your liciese on your 15th birthday. Could drive anything and carry as many passengers as you like and seat belts were optional.
Feb 5, 3:47am
are we talking this century or 10 thousand centuries ago! hehehe
Feb 5, 5:32am
definately last century but not that long ago as im still working and kicking. I still had to go through the 250cc law for bikes but after 12 months you could just ride anything. No retests or extra fees. No certs for mods, you could drop a big block into a ford popular and leave the brakes standard.You could buy a WOF at the pub for $10 and fill out the details yourself.
I wonder why things changed.lol
Feb 5, 1:48pm
Would really recommend doing a defensive driving course as it is excellent practise for the real thing.
Feb 5, 2:39pm
Yeah well im definitely going for a full pre test because i did one before i went for my restricted and it gave me lots of tips for when im driving and helped me pass my restricted.
Feb 6, 3:33pm
Does anyone else have any information on this topic!
Feb 6, 3:46pm
yes you can. thats the way i done it
Feb 6, 8:05pm
I went into the AA today and they told me that i have to sit my full in auto then after that be able to drive manuals and autos.
What is it that hasn't been said that you want to know!
Feb 7, 3:26pm
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