Imports with built in DVD Navigation

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lookin4ord, Feb 4, 1:37am
Who wants to get it working, im thinking i have some answers.

henderson_guy, Feb 4, 1:40am
If you do, you have the potential to be a very, very rich man

kazbanz, Feb 4, 2:01am
Go for it--thees a LOT of car dealers would love to pay a bit to have the jap satnav work in NZ

trdbzr, Feb 4, 2:18am
There will be countless people wanting your services IF you are able to do it. I have heard of some people in Russia being able to hack the system but so far I have not seen any evidence of it.

supernova2, Feb 4, 2:34am
Surely all that would be needed would be to use any NZ nav unit and wire it to the Jap screen.Sounds easy but probably next to impossible.

lookin4ord, Feb 4, 2:40am
NO YOU HAVE TO RIP THE EXISTING UNIT OUT, THROW IT IN THE BIN but the hole left you can buy replacement units from China which can be programmed up for free

lookin4ord, Feb 4, 2:41am

lookin4ord, Feb 4, 2:47am

lookin4ord, Feb 4, 2:47am
here is an example

lookin4ord, Feb 4, 2:52am

jason18, Feb 4, 3:54am
That looks like cheap chinese schizen

lookin4ord, Feb 4, 4:01am
yes its Chinese at the end of the day if it works who cares if it comes from China!

shane.64, Feb 4, 4:11am
Like TVs Japan and the USA (NTSC) are the same .New Zealand and China are the same (PAL) So yes you need to throw it away

jason18, Feb 4, 4:14am
Yeah im not saying that I care its from china. Most stuff is. Im just saying it looks cheap and nasty

pollymay, Feb 4, 5:55am
This is what I run in my mr2 with custom apps etc how I want. Works great.

ryanm2, Feb 4, 1:00pm
there you go guys - even cheaper as its US dollars, not australian and shipping is free.

bigfatmat1, Feb 4, 1:11pm
quite a few of jap import ones use a win ce kernal if ya can flash it ya can hack it.

lookin4ord, Feb 4, 4:46pm
flashing a japper! can you read japanese!

noswalg, Feb 4, 4:50pm
They can, go have a look at, I have bought a few things from there

thurzday, Feb 4, 5:08pm
well i have a japan import with built in dvd/tv/gps/and computer the only thing that doesnt work on it is the gps

foxdonut, Feb 4, 7:08pm
Screens are the easy part. Your northern hemisphere gps is hard coded to look for northern hemisphere satelites.

You need to replace roms on the board, unless they are programmable, in which case you need to flash them.

It won't be long till its all software driven. If you started five years ago, this would be a good idea. Trying today = waste of time.

ola.thorsen, Feb 4, 10:24pm
GPS satellites are not "northern" or "southern" hemisphere, each satellite will orbit about every 12 hours. The main problem is maps - the imports have maps for Japan only.

lookin4ord, Feb 5, 2:49am
bet the tv does not go either and you have to use a band expander to get any decent stations

lookin4ord, Feb 5, 2:50am
brought one off ebay will let you know what its like

vtecintegra, Feb 5, 2:57am
Now you can buy a decent smartphone for less than $500 built in/stand alone nav systems are pretty much obsolete.