Foxton Trolley Bus Museum

bigboystoys8, Feb 5, 6:14am
anyone been there! able to tell me anything about it, wouldn't mind a look around.

mugenb20b, Feb 5, 8:36am
I know the current owner, Wayne Little I believe, his brother Malcolm is a race truck driver. It was previously owned by their father who passed away a few years ago. Unfortunately, I've never been there, but I will some time in the near future. Sorry, that's all I know at this point in time.

jmma, Feb 5, 8:42am

julian.walls, Dec 13, 2:17pm
Went there years ago when the father was still alive - Impressive the father built his own Trolley line and he had then a number of ex Dunedin Trolley Buses still in working order - Glad to here it is still operational:)