Watch out

smileys, Feb 5, 7:55am
to the person who just bought the falcon coupe from tauranga ,this is a scam

andrea_w, Feb 5, 7:56am
More details. !

smileys, Feb 5, 7:58am
did u buy it

jason18, Feb 5, 7:59am
Huh! Details!

friendly_prawn, Feb 5, 8:02am
bummer, how do I get my refund!

smileys, Feb 5, 8:02am
this is a wanted car

smileys, Feb 5, 8:04am
all i can say is , dont touch it

andrea_w, Feb 5, 8:05am
OP - start from the beginning.

smileys, Feb 5, 8:09am
the owner is a pedafile who owes lots of money , and is in hiding, the car has been in hiding too.

stealthbida, Feb 5, 8:12am
you mean the 1976 one!

smileys, Feb 5, 8:14am
black xb coupe

stealthbida, Feb 5, 8:21am
that's a mighty big statement/accusation you are making here.whether it be true or not, be careful about what details you divulge.or say/type as you could end up in a mess of trouble or is this a wind up!

aragorn2003, Feb 5, 8:28am
if he is hiding because he owes money what does being a pedophile got to do with it!

stealthbida, Feb 5, 8:34am
exactly! and where is the OP!, gone awol for awhile.

jmma, Feb 5, 8:47am
Probably pay to take your number off your profile if you going to say these things.

sr2, Feb 5, 9:56am
Andlearning the correct spelling of "pedafile" would be a good start!

neville48, Feb 5, 10:23am
It doesn't matter how you spell pedafile, its the same filthy thing.

robotix1970, Feb 5, 10:44am
Is this a wind up as there's no record of a black XB falcon coupe being advertised.

outbidyou2, Feb 5, 10:50am
The guys from Morrinsville, not much happening 'up there'

brokebloke1, Feb 5, 6:48pm
I think there was a black coupe on here 2 weeks ago wanted about $25000 for it

bopbargains, Feb 5, 7:52pm
can'tbe hiding that hard if he's put it up on TM.

gmphil, Dec 13, 12:14pm
Probably sold car to pay the bills!
wots wrong!, didnt except ur offer! Or did he steal ur boyfriend!