I mean at what age of the VEHICLE (not the owner!) do the fees reduce.
Also, plodding round the LTSA site is a muddle although i noted that it showed two rates 0-2600cc and 2601-4000cc. What about 4000cc+ vehicles!
Feb 8, 11:39am
40 years old
Feb 8, 1:03pm
Those aren't licensing fess, those are registration. Ignore them unless you are buying a brand new vehicle.
Feb 8, 7:43pm
Yep thanks. It's a 1978 imported vehicle so a few more years to go - is it then free or reduced reg fees! The LTSA sight ain't talking sense to me today.
Feb 8, 7:44pm
cheaper, not free.
Feb 8, 7:46pm
I have a question, is it 40 years from manufacture date. Or 40 years from first reg in nz! I have a 72 capri that was first reg in 76. What's the story there!
Feb 8, 7:49pm
40 years from year of manufacture (according to rego papers at least).
Feb 8, 7:51pm
when u reach 100 years old u get it free
Feb 8, 8:21pm
Cheers Phil. So when I go to relicense it, it will automatically be cheaper!
Feb 8, 8:58pm
And if you leave it unlicensed the new period starts from the day you reliense it ,not backdated to the previous expiry date--just like a trailer or caravan
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