Tin Amalgam Pellets.are they a scam?!

nzfatie, Feb 9, 12:00am
People are selling these on TradeMe and e-Bay so old cars can safely run unleaded.sellers all have the same Royal Air Force story.too good to be true.these guys think they're a scam!!

intrade, Feb 9, 12:02am
yea its a scam just like people driving on tap water.
you got your answer right there on that forum.

moosie_21, Feb 9, 12:21am
Try it and destroy your car; email the seller with angry message; never hear reply; replace car and swear for the next 8-10 weeks that you actually believed them

elect70, Feb 9, 8:51pm
Forget it buyoctane booster like 104 +it works .

tonyrockyhorror, Feb 9, 10:11pm
Octane booster doesn't prevent valve seat recession.

tonyrockyhorror, Feb 9, 10:12pm
Oh, and neither does the junk in the first post.

socram, Feb 9, 10:42pm
I thought it was lead you needed to stop recession, not tin.Just put in a few litres of Avgas/leaded every now and again, as the lead is supposed to last a while anyway.