Help please guys.

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friendly_prawn, Feb 10, 2:08am
Im looking to sell my property with massive garaging.
I think it would be great for a car collector or similar so was thinking of putting some adds in some car magazines.
Any thoughts of which popular auto magazines it might be worth me looking in to advertising in! Im also wondering if an international car mag might be worth considering. I think one of our highest population of immigrants are English so a British car mag might also be worth considering.
Any thoughts please guys.

fordkiwi27, Feb 10, 2:10am
petrolhead mag.

fordkiwi27, Feb 10, 2:12am
wow noice pad FP!

shane.64, Feb 10, 2:14am
Put a poster in the immigration dept

friendly_prawn, Feb 10, 2:27am
cheers mate.
We are currently renting it out for the same amount as we are paying for a tiny little dump with no garaging in Aucks. Madness.
off for a nosey at the petrol head mag.
Thanks for that Tim.

friendly_prawn, Feb 10, 2:29am
Awesome. They also do the NZ Rodder mag as well.

jmma, Feb 10, 2:34am
The Tacho monthly, Jap edition (o:

msigg, Feb 10, 2:34am
someone will turn it into a bed sit/Indians/Asians

friendly_prawn, Feb 10, 2:35am
cheers jmma, not sure we would get too many Japanese wanting to live in NZ though lol. If anything, its probably the other way around.

clark20, Feb 10, 4:32am
Dotcoms wife needs somewhere to live, ohhh no more cars. scratch that.

thejazzpianoma, Feb 10, 4:37am
If the sheds are high enough for a camper the Motor Caravan magazine might be the go. Also. is it suitable for a grass landing strip! Aviation types love sheds if they are suitable as hangers too.

fredo20, Feb 10, 4:37am
Get it on 'cool auctions' for $1 reserve and say the moolahs going to charity.bound to get at least 3 times the value!

friendly_prawn, Feb 10, 4:49am
cheer jazz, wicked idea. Just checked out their mag.
Im definitely going to stick an add or two in there. What a great idea.
Landing strip. Nah properties not quite that big. But there is plenty of room for a house bus in the shed.

jezz43, Feb 10, 4:50am
how many cars can it fit!

friendly_prawn, Feb 10, 4:52am
Im guessing 6 now. And if the small room at the back was taken out, probably 8 cars.

friendly_prawn, Feb 10, 4:52am
haha not quite that brave.

richynuts, Feb 10, 4:56am
nice beaver!

fredo20, Feb 10, 5:08am
It is very impressive tho!

bopbargains, Feb 10, 1:16pm
The problem isnot withthehouse,it's the area that's inin (Gisborne).

pup2, Feb 10, 1:40pm
Whats up with the last 2 pics FP

friendly_prawn, Feb 10, 2:13pm
There are pleny here that would dissagree and be quite upset by your comment bopbargains.

owene, Feb 11, 3:09am
Four bunks high - 6 bunks per garage = 24 per garage. At $10/night thats $87k a year per garage. How many garages are there!

kingfisher21, Feb 11, 3:13am
Which beaver!

fordcrzy, Feb 11, 3:42am
love your real estate agent in the drive.

bopbargains, Feb 11, 5:04am
The asking price wouldbe (at a guess)would be at the top endof the market for your area so you are not going to sell if over night. put the same housein another (good)area and it wouldbe snapped up straight away. ever heard of over capitalization. just my 2c worth.