Epicenter inverter & those reverse glow gauges.

-mung-, Feb 11, 1:26am
About 6 years ago some little turd broke into my car and nicked a few things. One of those things was - would you believe it - a plastic dialthat controlled the dimmer and colour (blue/green) of some dash lights. Well those lights never worked again. I had a go a couple of times trying to fix it but to no avail, and I couldn't really be bothered. But now I'm trying to again with much more determination, and I want to do so without buying anything new (along with waiting for bits to arrive) as I have everything but the knob (and the pot that was attached) and switch.

I can't work out the bloody wiring. I did get it to make a mild high pitched noise and give me a shock last night which I think is progress. I made that much progress because of this google result: http://www.pennmustangs.com/forums/showthread.php!t=4803 I've googled and read so many car forums. looked at so many pictures in google image. I just want a wiring diagram or some guidance. I don't want to put a dimmer back and I want to hard wire it to a single colour. I could post my own pic but it looks something like this: http://media.photobucket.com/image/E12-908D/drawingxenemyxli

Does anyone have experience with this!

rotormotor7, Feb 11, 1:59am
they sell that stuff on ebay


aftermarket stuff, i have them in my rx7 for something different.

probably not much help but seem cheap enough to get the bits you after!

rotormotor7, Feb 11, 1:59am
they sell that stuff on ebay


aftermarket stuff, i have them in my rx7 for something different.

probably not much help but seem cheap enough to get the bits you after!

-mung-, Feb 11, 2:04am
yeah I suppose, I'm just a bit impatient and resent having to buy bits because some tosser stole a dimmer switch. Also haven't got much chance to work on my car usually, I just happen to be staying somewhere with a garage for a few days.

-mung-, Feb 12, 4:44am
I sorted it. after 6 years of no illumination.

Okay my problem is unique so following this up with the solution probably won't benefit anyone but just incase. it's good form y'know.

The thick bundle: white to blue, black to yellow, ignore the red and orange. The 2 wire bundle next to that short together as that was the dimmer.
2 black wires, one is actually red but in a sheath, power (connect to the light circuit) and the 2 sheathed wires on their own go to the glow lights.

And if this doesn't make sense at least it will be enough to jog my memory if I ever need to explain it properly to anyone who bumps it. :p