So from March the 25th

v8_mopar, Feb 11, 4:47pm
Sometimes you give way to the right and sometimes you dont. Sounds like they are just making it harder for most to use NZ roads.

T intersections and crossroads you give way to your left and roundabouts you give way to your right.

tmenz, Feb 11, 5:37pm
2 main changes:

1: At any 'uncontrolled' intersection, traffic turning right into a given lane gives way to traffic turning left into that lane (presently left turning traffic gives way).
2: At an uncontrolled 'T' intersection, traffic turning right from the 'terminating' road (the stem of the 'T') gives way to traffic turning right from the straight through road into the 'terminating' road (presently 'tother way round).
Otherwise the present right hand rule still applies - nothing changes at roundabouts.
The rules are still modified by signs and police etc. at 'controlled' intersections.

v8_mopar, Feb 11, 6:29pm

Hmmmmm yea sounds like what I said

tmenz, Feb 11, 7:40pm
The only time you have to give way to the left is at a 'T' intersection, when you're turning right out of the terminating road!

socram, Feb 11, 8:11pm
It is a lot less confusing than the current rules that are out of kilter with the rest of the developed world.Just apply a bit of courtesy instead.It just means that the main road traffic has priority over side roads.

murph2068594, Feb 11, 8:56pm
Nope, just joining what the rest of the world does, (they changed the Australian State of Victoria back in 1993) apparently NZ changed the rules in 1977, the idea in NZ was to get traffic out of the way in the middle of the road doing a right turn and also traffic doing a right turn to get out of a T or a + intersection.

Fast-forward to 2012 and we have turning bays, flush median, traffic lights, green arrows to help you complete a right turn.

In Victoria's case it was to get right turning traffic out of the way of straight through Trams - they fixed it by getting the right turning traffic off the Tram tracks by moving them to the shoulder of the road - the "Hook Turns" which is still currently being used today.

We use international road signs here, we should be using international road rules.

Think about the car rental people here, trying to explain "our give way rule" to foreign tourists.stuff that!

NZ is the last country to change, we should've changed back in 1993!

socram, Feb 11, 9:18pm
Well said.

gammelvind, Feb 11, 9:23pm
Thank goodness, about time, there were many of us that wondered what the point of the excercise was way back then. There will be a few challenges while we change but most people will be considerate while we get back to a more logical system.

moosie_21, Feb 11, 9:25pm
Everyone doesn't give way the proper T-way as of now anyways, so the only change will be the pathetic longer-turn rule. Sweet!

tmenz, Feb 11, 10:09pm
Those turns were scary, the first time I struck them - quite counter-intuitive!

kevymtnz, Feb 11, 10:45pm
far as i remember it was 1993 it was changed to were it is now as at the time i disliked the idea and cant wait for it to go back it is plain stupid

v8_mopar, Feb 14, 8:21pm
current rule. give way to the right
cant get much easier than that

v8_mopar, Feb 14, 8:23pm
If its on your right give way