Name this mystery fairing

theguitarmaster, Apr 16, 4:53am

doug207, Apr 16, 5:08am
Looks like an aftermarket/homemade jobbie to me.

kazbanz, Apr 16, 5:43am
Honda cbr250/400 chopped to buggery OR factory FJ1200 chopped back with a twinn headlight5 fitted

gunhand, Apr 16, 5:47am
Yea dosnt look like any factory one as such. Theres all sorts of things for street fighters now so could be anything really.It may have started life off another bike of course and been modified to suit.

theguitarmaster, Jun 10, 6:01am
all three of the above are good stabs at it. thanks guys

kaymay88, Jun 10, 6:36am
Kaz is correct cbr 250/400 of 88-92 ish era that has been chopped up to hell

it may also be a kawasaki ZXR 250 fairing - they had an almost identical fairing around a similar era

kaymay88, Jun 10, 6:36am
if it wasnt for the check plate stuff, it would look quite nice

theguitarmaster, Jun 11, 12:38am
agreed ,i like it lines ,tho checker is a bit much

sifty, Jun 11, 12:41am
I think I'd call it Gerald.