Open season on our roads next long weekend?

gunhand, Jun 3, 7:38am
I think we should have an open season the next long weekend and see how it goes. Anything goes.I think it will be great for the country and solve many a problem all in one weekend.
Oh, all the emergancy services get that weekend off though.
Good idea or just a bit out there!

modie61, Jun 3, 7:43am
Its a bit out there gun,i will stay off the road that weekend.

gunhand, Jun 3, 7:45am
I think the sain would LOL.

bigmacca, Jun 3, 7:45am
bit out there but hey worth a try a.would be interesting lol

modie61, Jun 3, 7:48am
It would be world war three,i reckon.

bigmacca, Jun 3, 7:49am
lol sometimes i think it is already ww3 on nz roads.

purple666, Jun 3, 8:42am
But if the road toll was zero that weekend it would simply be coincidence.

nightboss, Jun 3, 8:49am
So you are offering this to help mankind by thinning the shallow end of the gene pool.

gunhand, Jun 3, 8:58am
someones thinking now lol.

rob_man, Jun 3, 9:13am
The gene pool is already pretty shallow in Gore, no jumping or diving allowed.

gunhand, Jun 3, 9:14am
Heyyyyy, Id take offence to that, if it wasnt somewhat true at times.

rob_man, Jun 3, 9:23am
At least it's not the West Coast, if a couple from the coast get divorced, are they still brother and sister!

gunhand, Jun 3, 9:25am
Shouldnt you be down here playin moosic, its that weekend you know. ya might win a prize even.

thejazzpianoma, Jun 3, 9:41am
Dual-ling Banjo's aside.
You might be surprised at the results. When people are expecting danger they tend to adjust their behavior to suit.

Its like when you remove all signs, road markings and road rules from a busy intersection. the accidents tend to stop happening.

rob_man, Jun 3, 9:47am
Was it Nevada that got rid of speed limits as an experiment for a while!

angelab, Jun 3, 1:59pm
Tasman district council is stopping marking centre lines and verges on their B roads to save money but they reckon less accidents as well. When the sheep can't follow a line they drive more slowly if the don't know the road well.

desmodave, Jun 3, 10:08pm
Cousins may be.Open seasons already started up here the cops got 5 weeks holiday.Good time to get the toys out

elect70, Jun 4, 2:25am
No speeding ticket weekend & see how manycrashes. If it was )pols would look a bit foolishabout the 4 k tolerence

red97, Jun 4, 2:29am
yes, good idea, i feel gang members should be given target shooting lessons as well, nothing more disapointing then reading in the newspaper about another gang member with a non fatal gunshot wound