I got pulled over for speeding today

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kazbanz, Jul 8, 2:15am
On the huntly straights.Cop pulled me over on the top of the bombays.
He was polite. he showed me the radar and issues me a the minimum ticket he could without wiping the ticket altogether.
Not arrogant,not pushyJust a bloke doing a job.
Thats all

lindy12, Jul 8, 2:21am
Pity more people didn't have your attitude.Not enough of that in NZ, accepting responsibility for your actions.Good on you kazbanz.

modie61, Jul 8, 2:44am
What speed were you doing when caught kaz !
Was he in a marked car !
How much is the fine !

friendly_prawn, Jul 8, 2:51am
you were speeding.You deserved that ticket.
Suck it up.
Sorry kaz, just beating some of the other dickheads to it.

nightboss, Jul 8, 2:59am
C'mon FP, you know he is innocent, as are all message board users.

kazbanz, Jul 8, 3:01am
115km/h Yep he was in a commode white n striped. fine was $80 points were 20.
Ohh but wait it was baby kaz's fault for crying and distracvting me,The fog was bad,I wasn't used to the van, The wind was blowing from behind.
not my fault why should I pay!
Actually I wasn't paying attention and those bongo vans suprised me-loaded down with stuff doing 115km/h

h.e, Jul 8, 3:05am
i recently got pulled over 70 in a 50 i drive that road twice a day everyday and have done for the last 15 years.my only excuse was that the speed limit had been dropped about 6 months earlier,i admitted that it was no excuse.he let me away with a warning and told me the money was better in my pocket than john key's.

curlcrown, Jul 8, 3:20am
Last time I got pulled over for speeding was doing 59kmph down the line somewhere in an old LTD with three Maoris in the car, he said he had to do some checks and came back a few minutes later, I thought he was going to let me go but he gave me a $30 ticket, which I almost found laughable because it wouldn't even cover costs.He then asked me if I had any questions at all and I bit my toungue but was so tepted to ask him if he knew of any decnt caffes in the area.

neo_psy, Jul 8, 4:01am
You lawless heathen, Kaz.


Meh - I never had a problem when it's a fair cop.

kazbanz, Jul 8, 4:06am
But this isn't posssibleaccording to some posters on here cops are the very bastions of evil

neo_psy, Jul 8, 4:09am
Oh yeah, sorry. I'll try again.

Bloody revenue gatherers bugging an honest (*ahem*) businessman going about his day.
John Key has a lot to answer for with these quotas from the filth who have nothing better to do.
It's not like you were breaking a clearly set and understood set of rules. And the sun was in your eyes (John Key's fault again).


kazbanz, Jul 8, 4:18am
Ohh and PS --a fully loaded down mazda Bongo van DOES do 115km/h

austingtir, Jul 8, 4:18am
Did national bring in this quota system!I think you'll find its been around since the last labour govt.

johnf_456, Jul 8, 4:21am
Agreed if only some other people here man´d up.

neo_psy, Jul 8, 4:22am
Oh, sorry. That entire post was sarcasm,

I have the same attitude as Kaz - "I was breaking the rules, I got caught and I got a ticket"

tonyrockyhorror, Jul 8, 4:43am
It's not that you were speeding. It's that you were driving a jungle bus.

neo_psy, Jul 8, 4:46am
Actually, that's probably right.

Did it have curtains, Kaz!

trogedon, Jul 8, 4:47am
Downhill with a following wind.
Show the ticket to someone intested in buying it. It'll convince them its a sportscar in van clothing.

jason18, Jul 8, 7:38am
Shoulda said f da pigs. While pulling the fingers and skidding off. Oh hang on that's police 10/7

edangus, Jul 8, 7:52am
I got a speed camera ticket in Orewa a few weeks back for 55kph (I shite you not).

supernova2, Jul 8, 8:26am
I got a ticket once - couldn't understand it at all.Was totally in the air over a railway crossing in a 50 area.Didn't know MOT (as it was then) could issue tickets when vehicle not actually on the roadway!I reckon i was doing in excess of 100 but ticket was for 60 so just smiled and yes sir never again sir etc etc etc.

gooddealz2, Jul 8, 8:48am
I remember flying through the air in an HR wagon once. It was alright until hitting the road again at which point everything in the rear shifted. A lesson learned although I wouldn't say it sank in too deep.

n1smo_gtir, Jul 8, 10:23am
i haven't seeing a speeding ticket in just about two yrs. keep clean till end of july and all my 85 Demerits go bye bye. i been a good boy=D

supernova2, Jul 8, 10:43am
Was that people or sharp heavy things!

outbidyou2, Jul 8, 10:48am
Yep, I got one there for 51km/hr, 21 over, when they were doing the roadworks that lasted for well over a year.They left the cones out after all was said and done for about just as long as the works themselves, nothing that even remotely could be called roadworks was being done, cones though, lapse.