Jet ski rattle?

ride_bmx1, Jul 4, 5:34am
hey i have a seadoo jetski when it is idling it makes a rattle noise from back or motor of ski but when give it gas (rev it) it goes away! would this be prob bushes or bearings or something along those lines!

berg, Jul 4, 6:04am
Could be impellor shaft coupling rattling. My Kawasaki 750 used to the same but it was the coupling between the engine and driveshaft. Pay to get it checked though

johnf_456, Jul 4, 6:24am
Low idle speed!

bobwyn, Jul 4, 6:28am
has it suck up a few pebbles!

dr.doolittle, Jul 4, 6:29am
Could even be a broken engine mount. Is the motor rattling about excessivelyat idle!

kingfisher21, Jul 4, 6:45am
I presume you mean it does this when out of the water! It's totally normal, I hope you are running it with a hose on the flushing connection! And whatever you do DON'T turn the hose on till the engine is going and turn it off before you stop the engine.

dr.doolittle, Jul 4, 6:51am
Film it on your ph & upload it to u-tube so we can hear & see it.