Whats the quickest way to .

hopie, Jul 4, 12:58am
Was thinking a big bar till I read Sabre and plasma. Can see the plasma being more fun, but the sabre being more practical

kazbanz, Jul 4, 1:06am
Funnilly enough I was watching some guys yesterday breaking tyres down ready for shredding.
With the tyre FULLY DEFLATED.
Take a sharp stanley knife and stab it into the tyre sidewall about 20mm from the outside edge-you'll find itll slice in easilly.
Work your way round the tyre slicing the tread from the sidewall -by going with the "grain " you wont go over any cords
Flip it over and do the other side.
Now all you have to do is cut through the cords of the sidewall -or if you are lucky the sidewall will fall into the centre of the wheel and you can lever it out with a couple of big screwdrivers.

thejazzpianoma, Jul 4, 2:15am
Does anyone know roughly what alloy rims are worth to a scrappy! I have a few that came with the house and am wondering if its worth dropping them off.

jasongroves, Jul 4, 2:27am

kazbanz, Jul 4, 2:48am
DEFINITELY well worth doing it-and any old batteries too

n3d4sp3d, Jul 4, 6:43am
yes batteries are good i think the last lot we sent we were getting up to $15 each

craig04, Jul 4, 6:49am
Actually, they are worthless. But as a friendly gesture, I am happy to take them off your hands.