Come on guys, get with the program

friendly_prawn, Jun 20, 12:40am

friendly_prawn, Jun 20, 12:52am
im sure you will appreciate that post troggy. Not sure anyone else is going to lol

richardmayes, Jun 20, 2:04am
Yes because electric "renewable energy" vehicles are so widely available, they are so economically-priced, and they offer all the practical functionality that motorists are accustomed to.

xpfairmont, Jun 20, 2:17am
or sell our assets. Then go for electric cars. Then send all our money over seas to the new share holders as they put the price up as we put the demand up!

elect70, Jun 20, 2:22am
When they build electric cars we can afford to buy&do100 kmper charge thengreat ,Butdoomsayers sayprice of electricity is set to skyrocket withsale

countrypete, Jun 20, 2:37am
Go away.

xpfairmont, Jun 20, 2:48am
you go away!