I hear voices

ortry, Jul 31, 5:02am
Just started driving a Nissan Caravan, and would like it to shut up, I get voice prompts everytime I indicate to go left, but not when going right.
The Eclipse CD/DVD/TV/SAT/VICS system is fitted, never seen one before, has a manual the size of a phone book,but all in Japanese .
Would appreciate some advice.
Hi to all our Japanese trademe members.

splinter67, Jul 31, 5:06am
I have the same problem there is one easy way to fix it is leave the wife at home

v8_mopar, Jul 31, 5:09am
indicating is over rated! :-/

Just join the rest of Aucklanders that don't bother

bigfatmat1, Jul 31, 9:01am

elect70, Aug 1, 3:39am
Beat the focking thing with a big hammer & go buy a NZcompatableunit .Jap translated directly into englishstill doesnt make sense .

ortry, Aug 1, 3:58am
Thanks for the humour, will be replacing the unit,