Wallaby hunting in timaru or waimate

happylad3, Jul 30, 3:25am
Hey. Don't know what catagory I'm supposed to post this in. But is there anyone that knows of some good spots in the timaru and waimate areas! I know there's the doc land. But was wondering if anyone has some land that needs them controlled etc. Thanks

kiwi-d, Jul 30, 6:47am
gunns bush

grangies, Jul 30, 6:55am
Maybe Farming or Environment message boards!

buyme3, Jul 30, 6:58am
Bit unfair only wanting to shoot wallabies down there. What's wrong with tugd ozzy infestation in rest of country

happylad3, Jul 30, 7:22am
Only shooting them there coz it's semi local. And also posted in farming and environment.

NZTools, Jul 30, 9:40am
The farm i manage has quite few wallaby's on it, but most of the scrub is too thick to shoot them.