The moment you've all been waiting for

pollymay, Jul 21, 10:35am!v=HzqICmw2xoE

Made it to 4th gear before it sputtered out. Have to find a carpark out in south auckland with the cuzzies to give a real test bro.

Anyone somewhere quiet can lend me some diesel! Chur

fordkiwi27, Jul 21, 10:38am
haha classic

extrayda, Jul 21, 11:23am
do a skid. oh wait.
Looked like sustained loss of traction to me.

pollymay, Jul 21, 11:48am
I'd of preferred it to be more sustained but the chain that was meant to hold it down failed, then it was like trying to wrestle an alligator into line. Commodores and other FR cars have it easy, MR layout just wants to bolt out the door.

a18a, Jul 21, 11:20pm

extrayda, Jul 21, 11:25pm
Evidently you need MORE power, to reduce the grip at the back wheels even further. Perhaps some Mugen or Spoon stickers might help!Sadly I no longer have a car capable of a skid (miss the V8 sometimes, and even my old Skyline).

jason_247, Jul 22, 12:38am
your front wheel driveedness is broken

phillip.weston, Jul 22, 5:31am
wtf! got any more details or a build up thread somewhere on it! I gather a FWD motor/box have been transversely mounted in the rear!

jason18, Jul 22, 7:34am
He just turned the body around on the chassis phil

dave653, Jul 22, 10:13pm
Seen morons do that sort of shit to customers cars. Far quit!

turton, Jul 22, 10:35pm
dammit, i thought scotty's engine had blown up.

pollymay, Jul 23, 3:12am
On honda-tech I kinda do but not with any real details. Most of what you need to know I can simply display here. Mute it if you don't like ironically overplayed music. I've also since finished the front engine mount which has stopped the engine rocking.!v=j-liNg86msM It's running a t3/t4 turbo with a large core intercooler mounted up under the bumper. I've got this on the stand, when the setup proves workable I want to shoot for 400hp at the wheels.

Darton sleeved block, Forged JE pistons ,Eagle rods, Probably polish the head chambers, get some port work done then throw on a big ballbearing turbo. I want to make 400hp at 18psi or so, don't want 20+ psi.

It's a beast of a car, just the initial test drives have been nuts. It's encouraging it can take the abuse of burnouts though. Only thing I haven't figured out is the swaybars because the originals don't fit now obviously but I doubt they were suitable anyway. The rest is just making it tidy and covering things in to make it look nice. Add some green HID lights to stand out, throw a splitter on the front and finish the smooth underbody. Bringing a taste of group B back on a budget because I'm going to 100% rally the hell out of it :)

hopie, Jul 23, 3:22am

even thou its a honda

peekaboo4u2, Jul 23, 8:22am
like honda's too was going to do this to my old ej (eg) civic coupe but just got a falcon instead.good work on the change over.

969pnz, Jul 23, 9:39am
Way to go! Mighty impressive