Turners believe cavalier a classic!

tgray, Jul 19, 8:44am
I see a 1996 toyota cavalier is booked into the upcoming classic Turners car auction. Done 120k's.
Consultants notes add the comment "collectors".
If they think it belongs in a classic car auction, that's pretty sad really and there're losing touch.

969pnz, Jul 19, 9:00am
Doesnt exactly give you much confidence in their ability to realistically assess a vehicle's value

pebbles61, Jul 19, 9:04am
Ah NZ, land of the 'Toyota tax' lol =D

franc123, Jul 19, 9:12am
No, neither does having a browse at all their useless information that contaminates Carjam either, was weighing up two similar condition cars last week, one a 95 done 202km and the other a 97 done 235km, the older car was a slightly higher spec one yet their auction estimates were over $1200 apart, which was about a 40% price difference, they were the same basic model series of vehicle. Go figure.

mspec, Jul 19, 9:23am
They are that unreliable, most are already on the scrap heap. Hence wont be many around soon/ rare / classic! Maybe!

n1smo_gtir, Jul 19, 10:58am
it's a classic POS.

brapbrappy, Jul 19, 10:08pm
keep it up fellas means I can geta good one cheap.

elect70, Jul 20, 12:25am
Future classic, wont be FA aroundso if buy it & stick it in ya shed for 20 years it will be a museam piece ( if it doesnt disintergrate ) ,& berarer than rocking horse poo .

darryl, Jul 20, 1:20am
Its Turners - they'll do anything to maximise a sale price, even if its completely wrong.

splinter67, Jul 20, 1:23am
No such thing

smac, Jul 20, 2:16am
What did they sell for!

Roughly $1k per 30k kms would be about consistent with most cars listed.

hatchback, Jul 20, 2:44am
We could some how make it trendy for all the boyracers to own them and that way whats left of the pieces of shyte, will all be gone in two years to the scrap yard

chebry, Jul 20, 2:46am
A new one free is still no good