Sound of the future ?

serf407, Aug 12, 8:21pm
This Tajima's practice run in the middle section Pikes Peak 2012.
Is motorsport in the future going to sound more like this than throbbing v8s of old !

bellky, Aug 12, 8:38pm
I like that.

But I read somewhere that oil is a result of abiotic processes. That means oil is made not from organic matter such as plankton, dinosaurs, and trees but from what the earth planet is made from. If that's true and oil is produced as result of the processes going on within the earth then oil wont run out, and electric cars are just as bigger have as the myth that the oil is running out.

smac, Aug 12, 8:47pm
Yeah the trouble is you read that on Ken Ring's website.

bellky, Aug 12, 9:00pm
Yep it was him on Stuff or somewhere, but he was apparently quoting Russian scientists. Anyway I like the idea of it for sure.

floscey, Aug 12, 9:39pm
sounds like my washing machine hitting spin cycle and the missus blow drying her hair.

pollymay, Aug 12, 9:47pm
What is missing is what makes any car a blast to drive, character and atmosphere. My washing machine has more character that that thing.

Think group B, it was a bunch of crazies with ancient suspension and 600+hp, why! because up yours, that's why. I've seen electric vehicles I've liked, this isn't one of them. Actually one I liked was inside an old lada body, I have no idea why but it was fast and pretty cool looking.

dave653, Aug 12, 10:43pm
I wonder if the cars speed peaks as the noise does!

serf407, Aug 12, 11:12pm
There is always biofuel from corn if you want this sound .!v=bvsj1owq0xA

Rhys Millen provisional fastest time atm Pikes Peak 2012 9.46.
Snow delay for some of the cars still to run.

smac, Aug 12, 11:35pm
Hey hold on, where's the dirt!

dave653, Aug 13, 12:46am
Yeh, fully sealed now. not quite as interesting for the drivers. or the audience!

smac, Aug 13, 2:48am

serf407, Aug 13, 8:48am
Rod giving the Tacoma a bit of a fender bender at Goodwood.

serf407, Aug 13, 9:29am
And the Foley crash is probably more spectacular.

alltorque350, Aug 13, 9:36am
Scary stuff