BurnOut Comp !?!?!

bigblockf, Nov 7, 12:30am
wonder what happened to the Burnout comp thread!

fordfan29, Nov 7, 1:26am
Didnt know their was one. But TM should totally sponsor a burnout comp.
Cummon Morgans, Would be way cheeper than buying the phoenix lol

rob_man, Nov 7, 2:26am
Trogedon voted it off.

trogedon, Nov 7, 2:45am
If I could.I would.

sgrants, Nov 7, 6:24am
No this . . .
Skid fest at Swales yard (103 Mill Road Helensville ) sat 12 th Nov, concrette pad, $20 entry fee prizes for 4,6 & 8 cyl! check in 10 ~ 12:30, burn outs start at 1:00 . On site tyre machine!

sgrants, Nov 7, 6:49am

sgrants, Nov 7, 10:57pm
I've been told by the Nanas from TardMe I broke the rule of advertising/ promoting and this is not tolerated ! If anything I thought this event is a public service getting the "hoons"/ "petrol heads" to do their playing off the road! I can't delete or edit the offending posts so I guess I'll get another reprimand!;-)

holden_fan2006, Nov 9, 5:54am
Great to see the skid comps up North still going strong! Our next one is on the 3rd of December :)

horsepower7, Feb 12, 11:15am
need more in welly!