Is it worth wasting $150 on an AA check for this?

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intrade, Oct 22, 12:29am
for a rear wheel alignement that car might actuarly set a code for that lol
boog on sill na thats why the tester guy needs eyes and skills not tomatos on there eyes like some guys

gunhand, Oct 22, 4:08am
I still reckon the front left door is out of of line in both left pics.

mrsbeeblebrock, Oct 22, 5:53am
How do you go about getting it checked by the Merc specialist? I'm in Tauranga and would have to travel to Auckland for the test drive - how do I find a specialist and would this be done as part of my test-drive or would the dealer have to take it there himself?

sw20, Oct 22, 7:10am
There is a MB dealer in Hamilton and a couple of independent outfits as well. This was done with a 2 second google search.

If you want the cheap car, you have to jump through the hoops of it being out of town. Otherwise look and buy local.

mrsbeeblebrock, Oct 22, 7:31am
Thanks, yes I realise that they exist. My question is about how to incorporate this check into the pre-sales process.

kazbanz, Oct 22, 8:03am
Ill try again--The car is at a "dealer" that almost certainly will NOT allow the vehicle off site for inspections. so the discussion is moot.
If you call them and they do allow said offsiter travel then theres a point continuing the discussion

ema1, Oct 22, 8:09am
If that was me then I'd FLAG it out of hand. simple and the fact that the discussion is " moot" I would make my mind up here and now with an emphatic NO WAY .
To answer the thread starter statement . it wouldn't be worth the wasting of $150. or whatever charge is imposed.
Even with the likelihood of the car not being allowed of site, that would be an even greater "turn off"?
Only one way of finding that out I guess?

rovercitroen, Oct 22, 8:19am
I had a look at that Merc myself a couple of days ago. The left side panel fit is not the best really. From a few metres a stunning looking car for the money. I'd get a Merc specialist to go over it if you are interested.

ema1, Oct 22, 8:22am
With an expensive car being purported to be a write off like has been mentioned, I'd say the damage would have been a hell of a lot deeper than just "skin" deep!

richardmayes, Oct 23, 12:24am
They are about a $20k - $25k car if other listings on TM are to be believed. Is that an expensive car, or just a car? Isn't it insurance practise to write a car off if repair quotes approach 50% of market value?

ridiculousness, Oct 23, 2:20am
Cars never drive the same after being in big accidents so avoid it like the plague!

mike1345, Oct 23, 2:57am
Ugly bloody thing, I wouldn't spend a cent on it.

bumfacingdown, Jan 11, 2:31am
Yeah, but for $85 you can inspect