Port road drags wellington this sunday

fordkiwi27, Nov 23, 12:25am
racing from 10am. $15 per person. family $30. 2 adults 2 kids

bill-robinson, Nov 23, 11:41am
Arhhh memories

ofive, Nov 23, 12:32pm
yep, o the memories.

kwkbrk, Nov 23, 5:01pm
Wasn`t going to enter while car was for sale, then changed my mind, but by the time I got hold of Jock there was already an 8 car waiting list .
First time in 10 years not competing :( :(

holden_fan2006, Nov 24, 3:33am
We have our skid comp next weekend Mike!

horsepower7, Nov 24, 3:37am
use to work in the building where the cars start the race, was mint seeing all the skid marks the next day, not to mention the free tickets ;-p pitty i now work sundays somewhere else!

bill-robinson, Apr 8, 9:04pm
Could you please post a link to some photos of this event and/or winning time!Many thanks