Shortest route to helensville from auckland

mull05, Nov 29, 12:49am
western or northern!

lalbagh, Nov 29, 12:53am

kazbanz, Nov 29, 1:01am
norwestern but when ya get to the "new spagetti junction" (westgate) make sure you stay in the right lane or you'll end up over the north shore

lalbagh, Nov 29, 1:59am
correct lane. Right lane leads to the shore, you have to come off left at westgate.

panicky, Nov 29, 2:01am
you not been there for a while!motorway goes all the way to State Highway 16 now, past Westgate.Left goes to Northshore, Right to State Hghway 16.

aragorn2003, Nov 29, 2:05am
far right hand lane leads to helensville up the 16 . if you come off at westgate you either head towards kumeu or the shore

tractor9, Nov 29, 2:22am
This way is right ! Cheers.

trogedon, Nov 29, 3:00am
I found it a bit weird going that way a few weeks ago when I hadn??

leighfrancesca, Nov 29, 3:25am
It's blardy weird driving down Hobby Rd now, the motorway extension was still being built when I left the area.And now that road is like a ghost highway.

kazbanz, Nov 29, 10:57am
Please carefully read the post above.
Far left lane is for westgate lane is for upper harbour OFFRAMP. "middle" lane loops up and over and onto the new motorway to the shore the RIGHT lane now goes straight through to end at a roundabout about 5km before kumeu on SH16

the-lada-dude, Nov 29, 12:44pm
shortest route, easy,

as the crow flys !

richard198, Nov 29, 2:35pm
It takes a lot longer,.the slow way.

friendly_prawn, Nov 29, 3:19pm
Top left hand corner.
A - location
B - destination

friendly_prawn, Nov 29, 3:22pm
you can even drag route line over to a different route to check to see the difference in k's.

zirconium, Nov 29, 7:33pm
Because they had to be able to justify *not* putting an exit in for Westgate coming from any other direction. Oh, and making the Westgate city-bound on ramp so slow with the ramp-control lights in the morning that hardly anyone uses it. Grrrr.

kazbanz, Nov 29, 10:57am
Please carefully read the post above.
Far left lane is for westgate lane is for upper harbour OFFRAMP. "middle" lane loops up and over and onto the new motorway to the shore the RIGHT lane now goes straight through to end at a roundabout about 5km before kumeu on SH16.
As I posted its the new spagetti junction

ACTUALLY -maybee someone can explain why it had to be so darned complicated.
Why diddn't they just have middle lane as straight ahead to kumeu then have a simple ramp/bridge up and over the southbound kumeu-auckland lane.