How do you stop muffler vibrations!

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gay-panda-guy, Dec 11, 7:56am
I have aftermarket exhausts for a Holden VE that I bought second hand so not sure the name for them.they are loud.actually TOO the point it drones badly and vibrates the whole car.I don't like it. Any idea on how to minimise the vibration and droning a little bit! I feel like going back to stock mufflers now.

m16d, Dec 11, 8:04am
Its probably touching the body somewhere.Crawl under and take a good look.

kaysum2, Dec 11, 8:08am
Try some rubber mounts

usdefault, Dec 11, 8:19am
Add a resonator

pettal, Dec 11, 8:30am
extend the pipes a bit further out the back .

skull, Dec 11, 8:54am
+1 if the mounts are OK and the exhaust is not touching the bodywork anywhere

ema1, Dec 11, 9:16am
You pretty much answered your own question with the last sentence in your first message here.
Stock is the way to go with those, I worked for a GM-H franchise way back and the same was true in most cases back then too.
There are some good after market units and set ups and there are heaps that certainly are NOT. Cowboys generally fit ones that aren't by the way!

lookoutas, Dec 11, 9:40am
Sounds like you made a poor choice and finished up with some Fart-cans.
Had the same happen years ago when I got Pit-Stop to put a muffler on a Subaru. It sounded like a bloody Iroquios, and I needed to drive it at 135 to leave the sound behind.
Brought one of those Fart-cans and was intending fitting it until it came time to fit twin pipes - when I would get another.
The muffler turned up ages ago, and when I rapped it with my knuckles it made a tinny sound. Doesn't take much to work out that the same sound will come out the back, so I never fitted it.
One only needs to go to a car show/day and listen to all the +100K rebuild's fitted with these "in vogue" flo type mufflers, and they all sound like 8 Fart-cans loaded with Tom-thumbs. (Bloody awful)

Three years on, my muffler finally sucked it, so I got twin pipes bent up and fitted them over the weekend, plumbed up with 2 Coby's.
Now rap the knuckles on a Coby and the result is a dull thud, and that's exactly what is coming out the back end.

"I am rapt" Even though I was unsure they would do the job,I once brought a 327 Camaro that was fitted with Coby's, and that sounded like a Spitfire, and wouldn't even pass a WOF back in the 70's.

Went for a good drive today, and there's no more noise inside than the standard exhaust.
The only drawback is the fact that the car will use more gas now:-)

clark20, Dec 11, 10:13am
The VEs drone very badly with poor designed exhausts, check this out.!act=viewProd&productId=147

The extra pipe is used to cancel the drone, and you could add them to your system. From memory they need to be 54 inchs long. Do some more searching.

pollymay, Dec 11, 12:11pm
Easy, cut the exhuast out of the car and turn the headers to point up out of the bonnet. Can't vibrate then

angelab, Dec 11, 7:44pm
Then do a skid!

gay-panda-guy, Dec 11, 8:51pm
Yes I am very close to going back to stock.but stock is tooooo quiet.I would prefer something in between what I have and stock. I'd like to keep the same mufflers but quieten it down a tad.maybe there is a way to insulate the muffler more!

gay-panda-guy, Dec 11, 8:55pm
Lol I know what you mean by driving it at 135 to leave the sound behind.that is exactly what I have to do.not good.
Ok gonna google Cobys

smac, Dec 11, 9:20pm
You sure! Why! IF more power results from a new exhaust system, that power can come from increased efficiency and better scavenging etc, and will not always mean more consumption.

iman007, Dec 12, 3:38am
been some big changes in the game since i left it, i went to outfit in riccarton road for 2 x 18 inch coopers, the dude had no idea what i wanted and tried to sell me some baffled mufflers, i told him i wanted noise, he reckoned the baffle ones were noise, not in my day son,pffffft
Think its pit stop,just not my pit stop.

saki, Dec 12, 3:42am
Just one of Cobys many designs probably one of the LSCs

saki, Dec 12, 3:46am
I was in the game for 9 years as well, havnt got the range of mufflers (universal) available that we had, still you cant go past woolf mufflers for a good product, I would advise the OP to go to an exhaust shop (non franchise) and get them to look at it.

lookoutas, Dec 12, 4:22am
You must read between the lines.

Hey OP - don't know whether Coby's would suit modern stuff, but they certainly work good on an older V8.

iman007, Dec 12, 4:32am
the guy is old school at safe r exhaust in sydenham, i recommend him to peeps, sorted me out, i got what i wanted

iman007, Dec 12, 4:34am
i was always told you got better gasconsumption and slight increase in speed with freeflows and straight through system, noone has convinced me different.Its what i run!

gay-panda-guy, Dec 12, 5:20am
Emailed woolf mufflers and the guy is trying to sell me an aftermarket one for $1100!

I read on a forum about welding in J pipes (or just an extra pipe).and that it is the simplest solution to cancelling out drone noise whilst not losing growl or power. Anyone heard of this method!

clark20, Dec 12, 5:22am
Well if you looked at my link and text you can see exactly that!!t=28454

lookoutas, Dec 12, 5:53am
OK then - You must read the cryptic message between the lines.
"It will use more gas coz it sounds so good"

gay-panda-guy, Dec 12, 6:09am
Looks good.but the price tag is way beyond me!

How hard can it be to cut a hole and weld a J shaped pipe on!

clark20, Dec 12, 10:32am
Not that hard as you say, just get the length right , diameter not so critical