Z servo

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mrfxit, Dec 29, 9:30pm
*3 years at a 5 bay Service station + a 2nd smaller station at the same time* .(just so YOU know I DO know about this)

Yes we USED to .
Hire cans & tell the customer to fill it.
Sell cans & tell the customer to fill it
Sell / hire cans & fill for the customer
BUT all too often they also needed a funnel as well >>>>

Most days the can was either .
Not returned
Returned dented/damaged/ missing lid/ missing lid seal
Returned with something else in it
Missing funnel
Told WE put the wrong fuel in it (customer filled it)

Most stations run MINIMAL staff
When staff aren't busy, it's because they have JUST HAD a VERY busy run of customers (std retail = feast or famine)
A lot of stations are sole charge
Std protocol is who ever is behind the counter DOESN'T leave the counter without a replacement

kazbanz, Dec 29, 11:52pm
ACTUALLY--do you remember MSS dippy who was going to cause some AA callout guy major misery because "he" contaminated the fuel in her vehicle when He put 4.0l of diesel in for her.
Beside the point that she ran outa fuel and the vehicle was sucking in all the crap from the boittom of the tank

elect70, Dec 30, 1:23am
What pack of heartless lotmostof you are . you would leave her & kids stranded . She offered deposit in cash2 other s there, the arrogant a- hcould have pointed her to SC up the road to buy can .Guess this is new attitude, do not offer any assistance , yet smallowner /operator onesonly too willing to help . I stop & help anyone broken downor out of gas. Its happened to me before & appreciated the help .

johnf_456, Dec 30, 1:34am
Hence doing it a high rate for hire, more than the cost of a replacement container. Leave everything upto the hirer. But yeah some good points mentioned.

mrfxit, Dec 30, 4:14am
I used to do the Friday night/ Saturday night graveyard shift.
Mostly good ppl, but it kind of gets a bit soured when groups of drunk/ rough twits come in & use some members to distract you while the others pinch stuff & having a gun shoved in your face tends to make you reassess your life's work so far.

The experience of THAT sort of crud NEVER leaves you!

mrfxit, Dec 30, 4:15am
Not heartless, just soured.
True tho, he could & should have offered alternatives

romulan7, Dec 30, 5:01am
Been there myself!Waiting several months to know if you were clear of Hepertitas because some drug addict wanted petrol and you refused him tends to sour your view, throw in a couple of attempted hold ups and just general scum of the earth that a servo attracts plus working alone and dealing with that tends to sour your trust.

Yea often some situations can be handled differantly only have one side the story here and it has severe racial overtones.

kazbanz, Dec 30, 5:39am
AND AGAIN--I ask the question--why did the person concerned not BUY a fuel can and fuel!
Heart doesn't come into it. Just plain old fashioned common sense
Its been explained over and OVER again yet you don't seem to get it.
Servo loans stuff---stuff gets stolen or servo guy gets abused for supplying contaminated fuel. the ONLY available solution is. Person who made the mistake buys can and carries it in the car for just such emergencies-OR doesn't run out of fuel

mugenb20b, Dec 30, 5:44am

friendly_prawn, Dec 30, 5:48am
hey elect 70, Im still trying to figure out what the dude behind the counter actually did wrong! He seems to upset you greatly but you dont really explain why very clearly. If I do understand your post at 28.
It states "She offered deposit in cash 2 other s there , the arrogant a- h could have pointed her to SC up the road to buy can"
So obviously she had money and tried but couldnt buy or hire a can, as there was no can in the shop to be offered to her.
Which brings me to the point how is the attendant supposed to help with a can if he doesnt have one.
You also states the attendant could have told her where to buy a can up the road. So now its down to the attendant being an ahole because he didnt tell her where to go buy a can.Is that the crux of it! Not trying to have a go at you. I appaud you for helping the lady. I would probably have done the same. Just trying to figure out what the dude has done so wrong to upset you. So was that the whole problem. He didnt tell her where she could go to buy a can!

Or possibly your comment ""She offered deposit in cash 2 other s there , the arrogant a- h could have pointed her to SC up the road to buy can" means she forgot to actually offer a deposit to the dude behind the counter as well! Or maybe she only had a small deposit, which was no where near enough to cover the cost of the can and petrol!
Are you able to break it down so every one can actually understand what your on about!

kazbanz, Dec 30, 5:59am
Actually-what FP said-onya for helping out but I just don't get the rabid atack on someone doing as they are told

bigracket, Dec 30, 6:29am
Got to admit, been to z crown hill a few times, the man behind the bar was the rudest, arrogant, most unhelpful person. wont go back.

xs1100, Dec 30, 6:45am
now as someone who has worked in service stations when younger and now being older and wiser and having seen the way the world has gone like kazbanz cant understand why she didnt buy one.if you ask my x wife you will find that she has a empty never been used (cause of the fumes) petrol container in her boot a 5 litre one for exactly this reason

johnf_456, Dec 30, 7:28am
Totally, considering its the third time its been reposted you have to wonder.

aragorn2003, Dec 30, 7:33am
He pretty much could have shortened the story to 'I don't like Arabs' , would have been more direct to what he was trying to say.

pico42, Dec 30, 7:35am
His previous threads focused strongly on the sub continent ethnicity of the staff member and promoted the staff members actions as being a result of that ethnicity. Overtly racist.

ambo11, Dec 30, 7:37am
If you want terrible service, and useless, premenstrual brainless idiots behind the counter, go to Mobil in Foxton. The worst service gas station in the country by far.

johnf_456, Dec 30, 8:01am
They did indeed

xs1100, Dec 30, 8:50am
maybe OP was a staff member and has been made redundant from shell/z due to his unco operative stance towards fellow staff members and now feels the need to enlighten us all

jono2912, Dec 30, 9:45am
I do indeed!

(Please note, all said is my personal opinion, and does not reflect the policy or view of the company I work for)

Although, many do not seem to understand that saying "No, we do not hirefuel cans"(mostly to customers who are not regulars, and are only visiting because they are out of fuel, and generally only want to spend a couple bucks) than lending out the can, customer has issue a week later, and the company spending hundreds or thousands when taken to court or mediation over a couple bucks. Especially since it was their fault to start with.

Ed: Grammar correction

johnf_456, Dec 30, 8:52pm
I agree with what has been said above, but surely the gas station could sell empty gas containers at a high rate then fill them and get a bond back when returned. That way no loss is in incurred if they don't return the container, but the reality is people should just engage their brain.

mrfxit, Dec 30, 10:48pm
Yea I remember THAT .