Z servo

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mustang-man, Dec 31, 8:48pm
Make a complaint to Z then. Maybe that guy won't work there for much longer. From my experience in retail, if too many customers complain about you then you run the risk of losing your job (hasn't happened to me personally, but have seen it happen to others i think).

elect70, Dec 29, 6:18am
3rd try, someone herevotedit offtwice so cant mentionrace .Yesterday at local Z station avery distressedgirl asked me for helpas I was filling my 4L fuel canforlawnmower . She had run outof petrol ! k down road& lefther 2 kids & dog in car & walked tolocal Z petrol station & askedman! behind counter if he could help buthe told hernothisjobor company policy to help , nice .So I gave her a lift back & put thepetrol in her car .So much for their smiley advertsshowingthem out on the forecourt . helpingcustomers ,. Its all BS they wontleave the counter .

red38, Dec 29, 6:19am
Why are you posting this again!

morrisman1, Dec 29, 6:21am
why is it being voted!

cybertao, Dec 29, 6:21am
Not many would lend a can and tick petrol.

Chiefly because the buggers never come back with the petrol can or money.

aj254, Dec 29, 6:29am
What's your point anyway! Just get over it.

aj254, Dec 29, 6:30am
But it was really nice of you to help her out.

friendly_prawn, Dec 29, 6:33am
most petrol stations did offer cans many years ago. But I guess they got sick of people not returning them. One cant help but wonder, why didnt the chick just buy a can and some petrol!Or why didnt she just offer to leave enough money to cover the cost replacing a can incase she doesnt come back!Problemo solved! Or am I missing something!
Yep, and a big thumbs up elect70 for helping her. On yah bud.

morrisman1, Dec 29, 6:50am
Last couple of times I borrowed a fuel can they required a $20 note, which you got back on return of the container.

aragorn2003, Dec 29, 6:54am
We get it , they didnt lend the lady a petrol can . and your racist

marcos1, Dec 29, 6:55am
This thread will turn.a certain cretin has posted.

trdbzr, Dec 29, 6:57am
FFS get over it. You're first two threads proved your a racist. This third one proves your an attention seeker. You helped someone, so give yourself a pat on the back and move on. No need to come on here and bleat about it.

johnf_456, Dec 29, 6:59am

marcos1, Dec 29, 7:04am

kazbanz, Dec 29, 7:17am
Elect--PLEASE in simple terms explain to me why the person who made the mistake did NOT purchase a fuel can and fuel and head on her merry way. Why was her mistake suddenly somebody elses responsibility!

marcos1, Dec 29, 7:24am
I will assume that it is the advert on TV which is in question.

Minor misleading!.yep.

bevharris1938, Dec 29, 7:27am
The staff at Z are very helpful , great place to buy gas. Their job is in the shop and on the forecourt , not kms down the road. If she run outa gas thats her stupid fault , if she needs help to put gas in her car thats even worse, shouldn't own a car.

jono2912, Dec 29, 9:55am
I will post this again.

The reason BP (and I cannot clarify this on Shell/Z's behalf) does not lend fuel cans is because the risk of being accused of fuel contamination is too high. (ie: you lent me a diesel can, and when I added petrol to it and added it to my car. etc)

thejazzpianoma, Dec 29, 10:28am
Its a shame that we have gone down the path of the U.S (who we used to laugh at for this very reason) and stopped doing so many useful things through being worried about liability and litigation.

Common sense, fairness and personal responsibility are a far more efficient and pleasant way of establishing a workable community than threat of legal action and regulation.

jono2912, Dec 29, 10:33am
I totally agree, but 'society' can only blame itself.

Oh wait, why don't they just 'sue' someone instead, it's not our fault after all!

gmphil, Dec 29, 12:20pm
Should check fuel guage before leave driveway! !
On another note when they were shell they sold fish baitnow they z they dont

mugenb20b, Dec 29, 8:10pm
I do feel sorry for the girl, but, she could have called AA (hopefully she's smart enough to be a member of one). Secondly, she created her own problem, she was running low on fuel for a long time without filling up.

romulan7, Dec 29, 8:21pm
My sympathy for people who run low on petrol when they only put in a few bucks each visit of the servo is low!My sympathy is low to anyone who does not check the fuel gauge and has no idea of the fuel range of their vehicle if that gauge is broken.Sadly they are the people who also do not consider carrying their own fuel can in the boot for an emergency of running out of fuel.

Many moons ago I ran a servo we stopped hiring cans!Why!Because we were fed up with the cops coming to us taking our videos because some cretin had hired a can then decided to poor the petrol over his exs house, neighbours car etc.

johnf_456, Dec 29, 8:52pm
I agree with what has been said above, but surely the gas station could sell empty gas containers at a high rate then fill them and get a bond back when returned. That way no loss is in incurred if they don't return the container, but the reality is people should just engage there brain.

jokerboss, Dec 29, 8:57pm
sounds like a scam : man behind counter was right to not help