I would never do such a thing. But will drink Tui.
Shit - I use all the width of one lane! And on back country roads - it's all there to use. (Safely)
Dec 31, 2:23pm
& if the tyres are not squealing for their life, your time will be rubbish
Dec 31, 3:06pm
Well said kazbanz, thejazzpianoma might give you a lecture about talking about Fiat's that way.
Dec 31, 5:25pm
Depends how sharp the corners are. Up the kaimais yes if theres nobody behind but i still indicate.
Dec 30, 1:37am
on a passing lane if there is no one behind you!
Dec 30, 1:45am
Why! To travel faster!
Check mirrors, head check, indicate for three seconds, change lanes, check mirrors, head check, indicate for three seconds, change lanes.
Seems like a lot of work when I could just make racing car noises to achieve the same thing.
Dec 30, 1:48am
No indicating, just treating the two lanes like one big fat lane.
Dec 30, 1:52am
I can't say I've ever noticed but I do have a tendency to use whatever road is available in the interests of economy and safety. Knowing what is behind me and around me is second nature and another vehicle in the picture would, of course, make a difference.
Dec 30, 1:55am
A road that I travel a couple of times a week has a long steep and windy hill with a passing lane going up it.Using both lanes to blunten(!) the corners means I don't have to slow down and lose momentum.
Dec 30, 1:56am
Dec 30, 2:14am
if it is of significant benefit but otherwise no.
Dec 30, 2:20am
drive within your marked lane. It's the law. don't cut corners, because one day you may not see the other vehicle. Then it will be too late
Dec 30, 3:09am
whats the law got to do with it! cutting corners is a bit different to using two lanes going the same direction
Dec 30, 3:18am
Do you drive a battered HQ, grey primer, mag wheels worth more than the car,anddrive like a dickhead.! I think I saw you yesterday.
Dec 30, 3:18am
Laws will save you. Hail to the laws. Don't think. Just obey laws.
Dec 30, 4:17am
That's why you only do it at night when headlights are essential and you can see other vehicles coming from a long way off
Dec 30, 4:20am
Yeah I do but I always indicate between lane changes.
Dec 30, 4:23am
I do heading north up the Bryn's. And I'm a nana driver.
Dec 30, 4:24am
well realistically does a passing lane come under any other regulations than a dual carriageway! If not then all you would need to do is indicate before crossing into the other lane as the "keep left unless passing" would be a reminder of the recommendation to keep as far left as possible.
Some of the posters have pounced and assumed that the OP is meaning crossing into a lane for oncoming traffic. This I avoid personally unless I can see beyond all doubt that the road is clear.
Dec 30, 5:29am
Some of the posters have pounced and assumed that the OP is meaning crossing into a lane for oncoming traffic. This I avoid personally unless I can see beyond all doubt that the road is clear.[/quote]
Only do that at night when you can see headlights from oncoming cars as a warning to keep left, also have to check the status of the centre line to seeif it is solid or not.
Dec 30, 10:13am
No. Why would you!
I remain within the leftmost lane unless it is not practicable to do so.
Dec 30, 10:32am
And we wonder why so many dickheads have licences. Keep to your own lanes and drive according to the law and use the roads the way they are supposed to be used.
Dec 30, 2:37pm
I'm not talking about crossing the centre line and using the lane for on coming traffic, just using the passing lane.
Dec 30, 2:42pm
I know someone who tried to overtake a truck and trailer unit at night using the "I'll see the headlights coming" rule.He collected a dude on a motorbike with no lights.He was in a van wich crumpled up and broke both his legs.Somehow the motorcyclist survived but lost a foot. (How do you lose afoot in a motorcycle crash!)Motor bike guys fault riding at night with no lights for sure but it still shows that looking for oncoming lights doesn't always work.
Dec 30, 3:57pm
I know what your getting at and yes is an answer.No other vehicles on the road clear line of sight as long as you do not go over the centreline it is not illegal either.Theres a couple over overtaking lanes on hills between Eightmile and Taumarunui which have 55kph corners part way through!Some vehicles you need to maintain momentum and if you can use the lanes to the full potential of maintaning a desired and comfortable entry and exit to that corner, without placing other motorists at risk then so be it.
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