Do you use both lanes for cornering.

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kazbanz, Dec 30, 3:59pm
Heck theres a lot of folks in this thread that can walk on water.Clearly they are perfect in everything they do in life.
personally I PREFER to stay within one lane and 99.9% of the time do but I get where the OP is coming from . SOMETIMESin an underpowered POS (like a fiat multipla or ) I have been desperate to have enough speed to get to the top of a hill AT ALL so yea I've had clear road ahead and used the passing lane. to conserve what little pace I still have

shuddupowh, Dec 30, 4:03pm
I use both lanes going up the Kaimais if there are no cars behind or infront of me. Helps keep you at a consistant speed. But if there are cars behind and in front I wont do it.

wrong2, Dec 30, 4:07pm
up the tight side of thekaimais, almost every time

rob_man, Dec 30, 4:09pm
Yep, classic example.

chevcamaro, Dec 30, 4:11pm
don't use the i will see the headlights, most of the crazys around here drive stolen cars with no lights on, and thats scary shit. happy new year safe traveling and enjoy

i-n-horz, Dec 30, 4:17pm
Takaka Hill on the scoot keeps the pace up and less chop'n through gears.there's one section with 3-4 corners with visibility from beginning to end so it's straight line power through.
Spotted by a copper and it would be a failure to keep left.

utu4, Dec 30, 6:34pm
Nope, no requirement.

jordan0, Dec 30, 6:40pm
I do it sometimes, as long as I can see a fair distance in front and behind me.

tonyrockyhorror, Dec 30, 7:42pm
Failing to indicate a lane change.

richard198, Dec 30, 8:02pm
Op stated no one behind you etc. Nothing wrong with it; indicate if there is, don't if there isn't. I do the same up Albany hill, Brynderwynn's etc. just helps to get up the hill with out having to slow down so much.

richard198, Dec 30, 8:06pm
A biker in a head on can lose anything. My friend was behind a girl riding up Johnstone's hill when she ran wide into a car and she was decapitated!
I was behind a van driver on Waiheke who had a head on with a truck, had his arm ripped off (and died)! It happens too easily!

i-n-horz, Dec 31, 1:10am
Loosing a foot is easy.try giving a hand in loosing a chics virginity on a bike!.now that's hard.have to pull to the side of the road ;)

magicmat, Dec 31, 1:16am
So true - I used to live in Tauranga but work in Hamilton so I did that road many times in a year. I got to know every bend and bump in that road but It was always hard not to stray in to both lanes on the way up.

lk104, Dec 31, 2:24am
Thats a great drive up there constantly changing lanes, hey drivings in the blood!

intrade, Dec 31, 2:57am
yea i also go across roundabouts with 50kph using both lanes going straight if no one sees me

intrade, Dec 31, 3:05am
it is illegal to cut corners. Meaning you using the opposite side of the road like loads do big fine for that if cop sees you get over the centerline like that.

urbanrefugee54, Dec 31, 3:31am
Only do that at night when you can see headlights from oncoming cars as a warning to keep left, also have to check the status of the centre line to seeif it is solid or not.[/quote]night time would be the most dangerous time to do it. there are dickheads that travel without light on. because they can. at least in daylight you can see traffic that is there.

urbanrefugee54, Dec 31, 3:33am
and always be careful of the cars towing trailers that the lights aren't working [but the cars are]. I ride a motorbike & have to be careful of everyone & everything.

p_rock, Dec 31, 3:40am
You're meant to use the far left lane even if there is only one turning lane right!

I sometimes cut into the right, even with traffic. but only if I am ahead. Indicate if I'm not.

kazbanz, Dec 31, 3:59pm
Heck theres a lot of folks in this thread that can walk on water.Clearly they are perfect in everything they do in life.
personally I PREFER to stay within one lane and 99.9% of the time do
Notbecause of some blind faith that the law will protect me from harm but bvased on 30 plus years of driving -Knowing that using every ounce of safety margin increases my chances of a crash
BUT I get where the OP is coming from . SOMETIMESin an underpowered ill handlingPOS (like a fiat multipla or punto) I have been desperate to have enough speed to get to the top of a hill AT ALL so yea I've had clear road ahead and used the passing lane. to conserve what little pace I still have.

intrade, Aug 1, 7:12am
yea i also go across roundabouts with 50kph using both lanes going straight if no one sees me brendyrvens also use both lanes but only if no cars behind that could try and overtake, or you could force overtaking car off the road. usually your way faster because there is almost no G-force when you use both lanes so no one would overtake you anyhow.