Whats the answer!

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friendly_prawn, Dec 30, 11:58pm
haha, I used to call my teachers all sorts of names at school. and none of they were sir.When I was told to bend over for the cane, I told the teacher to go kiss my .
Teacher couldnt do squat.Used to make me wonder why people listened to them. Its not like they could physically hold you down or beat you.
Regret it all now of course. Being a smart ass at school was fun. Problem was I learnt jack.Wish I could do it all over again.

mrfxit, Dec 30, 11:59pm
Std answer around here from a modern teenager who's screwed up is "MEH" & a shoulder shrug.
How much of a screwup is totally beside the point & the mess won't get 'cleaned up" until I do it .

(too much "mothers milk" helping hand) & not just from here
Sue Bradford & that "law" has got a LOT to answer for

mrfxit, Dec 31, 12:10am
Back in the old days .
Yep agree with that above BUT . the effects that happen, surrounding the cause's, has changed dramatically these days.
Going to fast around a corner in my hotted up 105 Anglia simply meant I had to pull the car out of the hedge in the morning & the cuts I got was from the Barbary/box thorn hedges.

Pretty much ANY modern factory car these days would cream all over that Anglia for power & handling (even a Fiat Mulitpla on space savers & 4 heftys inside)

Old cause & effect verses modern cause & effect
2 VERY different consequences levels

Great great grandads/ Great grandads /grand dads/ fathers = cause & effect basically the same.
Modern fathers/ sons =cause & effect very different levels

wrong2, Dec 31, 12:25am
but every generation used to GROW UP like the previous one did

modern life is vastly removed from the previous thousands of years of human history

mrfxit, Dec 31, 12:56am
Before the turn in to the 1900's, what was life like for most ppl, go back 500 hundred years.compared to whats available in the next 60 years after the 1900's started& THEN the next 20 years & then the recent 22 years.

kazbanz, Dec 31, 12:56am
To be honest mate that is MY understanding of education. Cause and effect.
Rightly or wrongly I taught my oldest son about electric sockets that way.(when he was 18 months old) Every time he went near a socket (beady eye aimed straight at it) I would wait till his hand was near it and BANG -a smack on the back of the hand.
Yep I could have done things the gubbiment way -(ie protect them from harm) by fitting socket covers.

singing1, Dec 31, 12:57am
1.2 road deaths per 10000 vehicles in 2009 and 35percent of those are high risk drivers. NZ Stats

hyphen, Dec 31, 1:50am
bitsy_boffin wrote:
Every previous generation says this about every subsequent generation.

Then they start shouting to get off their grass.

Ten miles, each way, in bare feet, 7 foot of snow, with nothing but cold gravel for our tea.

bitsy_boffin is assuming everybody is from her own dumbed down generation, and that feel-good remedies actually work. But nah, we are really just suffering from the effects of a society that has, over the last generation, removed the concept of 'growing up' or 'becoming an adult' and are now surrounded by the result of devolution, the society of perpetual kiddies who eat, shit, sleep & f*ck because they have every right to do so in their own way, oh, and drive too fast because that's what you do on PS3/xbox, aye

whqqsh, Dec 31, 2:51am
#1, yup, had it years ago but the restriction used to be called 'economics', commonly only the cheapest, smallest cars were affordable by those frsh to the workforce (ie teenagers), sure some are going to come on here & say 'my first car was a V8 Fairlane blah blah', but in general if Daddy didnt help out you were stuck with Morry thous, Minis or flash was a Honda Civic or Datsun 1200 (although Jappas were very uncool in most circles then). My first couple of cars were Austin A35 & VW 1200 & they cost me big, earning $100 a week & any car regd & WOFd was worth 3K minimum, now kids are leaving school & can buy a car with their first weeks pay but usually Mummy & Daddy make sure thay have something lethal well before then & its become a 'must have'. I know families that the kids are GIVEN more expensive cars than the parents drive, then wonder why they dont appreciate anything & expect so much!

mrfxit, Dec 31, 3:13am
As some of you will remember (maybe if dementia hasn't set in yet) my 1st car was a 1953 Humber 10 sidevalve that I reassembled from up from a bare shell & a huge pile of parts, at the tender age of 15years old

"economics" barrrr humbug . just really lucky that I had a brother that skipped town leaving all the parts to me JUST at the right time for me to want my own car.

mrfxit, Dec 31, 3:20am
To answer the question . YEP it's a good start.
It's harder to get in to trouble with a low power vehicle & when you DO screw it up, the impact is almost always less, even rolling it is generally a lot safer.

henderson_guy, Dec 31, 4:06am
It's simply the old "It wont happen to me" factor. It doesn't necessarily matter how much education is given, if the person concerned is so inclined, all the education in the world will go out the window. And I think each and every person has at some point or other done something they know they shouldn't, whether it be drive recklessly, over-reaching on a ladder, leaning under a unsupported raised truck deck, or pushing the big shiny red button. What will have the most effect in my mind, would be so see first hand the consequences, for example by joining the local volunteer fire brigade or St, John and attending serious incidents such as this.

skin1235, Dec 31, 4:42am
is showing consequence bad then bistsy, you want good consequence to reinforce good behaviourbutwhat do you use to discourage bad behaviour, cos the same pat cuddle and lolly doesn't quite do it for both sets of circumstance, or do you think that given enough good consequences the kids won't commit bad behaviour

male_timaru, Dec 31, 6:11am
Those people are just SCUM full stop - how could they drive off knowing who was in the car at the time - did you see the muppets on the tv - they don't care at all about what has happened - what a bunch of losers!

male_timaru, Dec 31, 6:17am
not picking on you wrong2 but THIS POST shows the attitude that is being displayed by people these days

Wrong2 - you were just LUCKY ok - there is no and ifs or buts - you were LUCKY, but there are quite obviously a lot of people who are not as lucky as you and the deaths show this with younger people pushing their luck in stupid situations - at least when we did it we did AWAY from people and away from RISKING others being injured!

I agree with NZTools to be honest - I would be very careful to answer my teachers back when they told us off because the first time you did when I was at school they DID hold you down and they DID cane you and worse . it certainly DID drive the message home to us that we were to respectfully talk to our elders - and I still do now - both young and old alike until given such cause as to not be polite

friendly_prawn, Dec 31, 6:37am
got to agree with every thing you say there mate.

male_timaru, Dec 31, 6:39am
Here's an idea - STOP giving HP to those under 25 for cars - simple really!

cowboy110, Dec 31, 6:51am
Plus.add into the mix that those cars are generally 90's or 2000's Jap imports. Power steering, airbags, automatic, ABS, 4 wheel disc breaks.Great for safety but possibly gives a false sense of security for the inexperienced driver.A bit like a digital camera.point and shoot.pretty much anyone can drive one.It's not about learning to DRIVE anymore.It's about learning to steer and hoping that the safety features can keep you out of the pooh if anything goes wrong.More often than not they don't.

mrfxit, Jul 31, 6:07pm
As some of you will remember (maybe if dementia hasn't set in yet) my 1st car was a 1953 Humber 10 sidevalve that I reassembled from up from a bare shell & a huge pile of parts, at the tender age of 15years old

"economics" barrrr humbug . just really lucky that I had a brother that skipped town leaving all the parts to me JUST at the right time for me to want my own car.

"economics" cost me a new car rego plate & wof around the mid 70's