Whats the answer!

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friendly_prawn, Dec 30, 9:53pm
restrict teens to gutless, small cc engined low HP cars!


nutslap, Dec 30, 10:03pm
Agreed,Something like that

saffa2, Dec 30, 10:06pm
Yes, it probably is.I couldn't have killed myself(or anyone else) in my old ford 10 even if I tried.

jkm, Dec 30, 10:14pm
Unfortunately there probably is no "answer" People no longer take responsibity for their own actions. Also people seem to be becoming more and more "stupid". Hey but we can keep fining drivers who stray up to 104KMH cause that keeps the roads safe!

wrong2, Dec 30, 10:18pm
if you find out how to ban human stupidity, theres your answer

i had a 200 km/h motorbike before i turned 15

it didnt kill me & heaps of other young guys grew up similar to me

but i know i know - we should all be legislated against because some are complete morons

the idiot even had his 2 year old kid in the passenger seat

moosie_21, Dec 30, 10:20pm
Quote - 20 yo driver: 'It's not my fault, I didn't want to drive, it's not my fault, I didn't want to drive'.

There's your problem right there, no one takes responsibility for anything anymore.

wrong2, Dec 30, 10:21pm
what kind of guy races others on the road when he has a 2 year old in the passenger seat

his own family should be hunting him down

jkm, Dec 30, 10:26pm
Reading the article it seems to suggest that family were in the other car he was racing or trying to pass, and they didnt even stop to assist!
What sort of feral family is that.

kazbanz, Dec 30, 10:29pm
The answer to this problem is EXACTLYthe same as the amswer to child abuse.EDUCATION.--eventually it will sink in to those above thatlaws wont change idiots.Teaching them cause and effect stands a better chance

i-n-horz, Dec 30, 10:30pm
Lives now-a-days are thought to be so expendable by those who are to selfish to have responsibility or respect for others.life aint no rehearsal but it's treated as a practice run by foolish fools.

bitsy_boffin, Dec 30, 10:46pm
I think once we see how the new LAM works for motorcycles, a similar scheme could be similar enough to push out to restricted drivers too.

For those not aware, come October 1st 2012, motorcycles will be classed as "Learner Approved" based on the power to weight ratio.

The NZTA will be annotating the rego label of suitable bikes with an indication that a bike is learner approved.

If it can be done for bikes, I don't see why it couldn't be done for cars.

mrfxit, Dec 30, 10:54pm
Makes no real difference how much education you have . constantly telling ppl to not crap in their pants , doesn't really have any meaning until it happens.

Education can ONLY be of any real benefit IF . the muckups are followed through with REAL consequences

mrfxit, Dec 30, 10:56pm
Fully agree.

NZTools, Dec 30, 11:05pm
When I was a kid at school, the teachers told us every other day we wern't allowed to smoke behind the bike sheds/take off down the street/give the nerds a decent hiding/ etc etc. It was only after we got 6 of the cane accross our arse that we actually listened, and learnt from it. Dad's belt across the welts from the cane tended to drum it home quite well too.

From what I can see, the total lack of respect for not only authority in gerneral, but also the lack of respect for each other, stems back to about the same time someone decided giving kids corpral punishment at school should be abolished.

Although I havnt seen many of my teachers for many years, I still address those I have seen as Sir.

The lessons I learnt about respect in school, I still apply in life and on our roads today.

What do you think!

gmphil, Dec 30, 11:08pm
+1 couldnt of said better

singing1, Dec 30, 11:27pm
There are no consequences on the PlayStation so do you thinkthis is conditioning our kids!

friendly_prawn, Dec 30, 11:37pm
personally i dont know what to think.
All to often kids just dont think about consequences. Testosterone and alchoholed fueled and totally bullet proof, its not until something happens do they actually reaslise the consequences of their actions. Would a good beating knock it in to their heads that being out of control on the roads is not a good thing! stuffed if I know. I had plenty of beatings when i was a kid. Used to bleed from the welts dads belt left. didnt stop me. I was a nutter.Maybe I didnt get enough hidings! Bah, I dont know the answer.
Here's one thought, chuck a kid in to a car, and dirve him strapped in, in to a solid wall at 5kph. Then do it at 10 kph. Then do it at 15kph.
let them realise every time the speed doubles, the collision drastically multiplies. A 15kph head on in to a solid wall might not sound like much, but it sure as hell would be enough of a jolt to give anyone a huge wake up. Maybe thats the answer there. Realistic education!

bitsy_boffin, Dec 30, 11:38pm
Mainly, I think that this has NOTHING to do with the problem of young people being legally entitled to drive fast cars beyond their capability, and the in my opinion necessity in the near future to rectify this.

I also think I'm pleased you're not a teacher.

I certainly think I'm glad I didn't go to your school.

I definitely think I'm pleased I did a couple years of psych so I can tell you that positive reinforcement (adding good things) works better than positive punishment (adding bad things).

I finally I think I'm thankful that New Zealand started to see the gross error of it's ways back in 1990 and that in about 50 years or so the remnants of the old "spare the rod" types will have shuffled off and this country can finally become more enlightened about it's treatment of children and rather than just "beating the bad out of them" we can all learn how to "bring the good to the fore" in non-violent ways.

johnf_456, Dec 30, 11:41pm
I agree totally

NZTools, Dec 30, 11:48pm
The result of that, is what we know call generation Y. A generation of kids who arrive at work thinking they are doing their boss a favour by turning up, expect to start at the top, and have absolutely no respect for those with more age/experinece/reason.

God help us when we hand the reins over to them, and they run the country.

bitsy_boffin, Dec 30, 11:52pm
Won't work realistically.

Same reason as you continued to get knocked about when you were a kid, you didn't think of the known consequences until the action was completed, or thought you'd get away with it (indestructible), or thought that you'd be seen poorly by your peers if you didn't do it.

mrfxit, Dec 30, 11:53pm
Yep totally agree & thats how it is with me even after 45 years way from those school days of old

Simply doesn't 'feel right" calling any of my old teachers by their 1st name

bitsy_boffin, Dec 30, 11:53pm
Every previous generation says this about every subsequent generation.

Then they start shouting to get off their grass.

Ten miles, each way, in bare feet, 7 foot of snow, with nothing but cold gravel for our tea.

NZTools, Dec 30, 11:54pm
Also there is a big difference between punishing someone for being bad, and beating the good out of them. I'm all for positive reinforcement, but that by itself is virtually meaningless unless there are concequences .or being bad.

We have become a society that teaches our kids that it is ok to be last in the race, because "everyone is a winner" That is so far from reality, that it is no wonder our kids are running off the rails

friendly_prawn, Dec 30, 11:55pm
"until the action was completed"
Action would be completed after being slammed in to a wall at 15kph. as stated might not seem like much but the reality it's a hell of a jolt hitting something solid at that speed. If thats not going to drum the consequences in to their heads then what is!