The Vincent looks nice, it'll be interesting to see what it will fetch moneywise.
Jan 2, 1:00pm
They wont sell at the current asking prices that's for sure.
Jan 2, 1:02pm
The Bonnie is a beauty,i had one of those in the early 60's, the exactly the same colour,they were even quite hard to come by even in those days.Never really appreciated it being young and all just thrashed it to death.thought i was the Bee's Knees .lol.
Jan 2, 1:04pm
Had a 1952 Norton dominator 500 twin, sold it for $250 in 1973. Bugger
Jan 2, 1:12pm
I saw tow lovely old Bonnies coming towards me when I was out cycling yesterday. Cool sound and look.
Jan 2, 1:14pm
Seller would get at least what he's askingfor theVinnie off shore.
Jan 2, 1:14pm
My old Bonnie got stolen and was ridden through a concrete block pump shed so he didn't get far plus he got badly injured [ tore both his knee caps out ] O the memories .see what you have done
Jan 2, 2:14pm
A guy I knew had a new Bonnie in oz when he was out ppl used to come up and compliment him on his restoration job he had done on the bike,not realizing it was brand new
Jan 2, 2:52pm
Didn't a Vincent sell on here for $85,000 just before Christmas!
Jan 2, 3:54pm
If it did, it wouldn't have been a Rapide! (A Black Shadow perhaps!) Both of the above bikes are over priced. (Tell him he's dreaming!) Someone was trying to sell an old Moto Guzzi Falcone on here for about $20,000 with no luck. I told him he'd have to sell it off shore but he reckoned he didn't want to.
Jan 2, 5:07pm
When I was in the navy we visited Shanghai in about 86 from memory, Man you should have seen all the old British bikes still being ridden around as daily riders, Old Trumpy's, Nortons, Vincents, Vellocettes, BSA's etc etc, would have been a Goldmine for a collector. Then there was the old Chevy's, Fords, GMC trucks rolling around as well, was like stepping back in time, Probably all gone now unfortunately.
Jan 2, 5:41pm
There's nothing like a Trumpy.or anything British Bike Wise.
Jan 2, 6:32pm
The one pre-Christmas was a numbers-matching HRD Rapide, not a Black Shadow, and it sold for $86,500 so the current listing is not out of order price-wise.It's in expired listings.
Jan 2, 9:24pm
I have a 1961 Greeves (Villiers single, not twin) but the quandary is that it is still on UK plates and the plates are worth far more than the bike! To get the money, the bike needs a current MoT in the UK before the plates can be sold (as I understand it).It lies half assembled here so I might sell it back to the UK.A good project gamble for someone.
I stand corrected. (and amazed!) They must be cheaper in the UK surely!
Jan 3, 3:17am
heh heh did the same with a BSA GoldenFlash. Bought it for $400, Hammered it, took me 4 days to kill it. luckily the guy who bought it stripped her all down and restored it.
Jan 3, 3:19am
my first road bike was a speedtwin. Paid $250 for it. See one sold on here recently with seized pistons. Went for over $8000. Crazy eh!
Jan 3, 3:20am
lol, we're talking bikes here troggy. lol
Jan 3, 3:21am
not saying its not true, just find it very hard to believe.Buyer musta been arich squillionare.
Jan 3, 4:28am
yep, im all for that. Old bikes built with new technology. Same looks but run better.way kewl!
Jan 3, 2:59pm
Got me curious so I had a google around --- cheapest Rapide last year that I could find was $40,000 US dollars, most expensive $99,000 US dollars -- both auction sold prices. One in the UK for a guide price of 30-35,000 poundsSo the one on here was certainly way on the high side but not completely crazy.
Jan 3, 3:14pm
I like old bikes but I just cant get my head around changing gear with my R foot. (I've also got an old James 150 Cadet)
Jan 3, 3:21pm
when I bought my first british road bike, i had been used to riding a trail bike which had its brake lever on the opposite side. i can still remember the first day I bought the old trumphy home to show off to mum and dad. Opened the old speedtwin up, as I came down the drive. Then slammed on the rear brake to do a big skiddy up the drive to show off. Only I forgot, brake lever was on the opposite side. I kept slamming my foot down on the gear lever trying to stop the damn thing. Managed to swerve to miss the garage at the end of the drive, lucky had a clear run between the fence and the garage until I ploughed in to the fence at the rear of the section. lol Parents must have thought I was nuts.
Jan 3, 7:36pm
LOL.Try an LE Velocette with hand gate 3 speed gear change and hand starter!
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