how can you tell if bids are serious. I would have said tyre kickers just trying to find out what the reserve is. "But then I would never have believed in a million years that old bonnie *as much as I love em) would ever fetch anywhere near that sort of money. I am well and truly and utterly gobsmacked.
Jan 17, 3:29am
It looks like these old classics are finally starting to be worth some serious coin.aprox 10 years back I sold an AJS 500 single with nearly a whole spare bike for parts for $3500. Still got some pictures of it I'll dig up later. At the time I remember thinking, they'll never have any real value. Have to put my hand up and say I was wr wr wro wr w w wron. Nah just cant say it. lol
TBH I've never really been able to look at beautiful classic old British bikes quite the same way since reading this book. .in which a grumpy old pom describes his sense of wonder when, as a young biker, he first saw a bike that was fast, reliable, beautifully made and didn't vibrate the sh!t out of you.
Jan 17, 12:44pm
I've got a couple.
Jan 17, 12:46pm
Pah, if it doesn't vibrate, leak oil, have random bits fall off, and leave you stranded occasionally it's just an appliance.
prawn I have a '47 (chrome accented tank) and a '51 in classic amaranth red, plus a 70's chopper I bought for parts, but am thinking of restoring as a period custom. The 51 speed twin was voted one of the nicest ever looking motorcycles a year or two back. That nacelle sets off the classic lines, and lookes even better with (an incorrect, admittedly) single spung saddle fitted. they go ok too in todays traffic, nothing like a newer rocket buit they lift their skirts and hum along better than you would think. brakes biggest disappointment if you are used to massive twin discs
Jan 17, 4:58pm
My grand Father and Dad had one of those each back in South Africa, Good bikes those cb750's
Sep 30, 10:09am
Mind you the Z1 was a big step forward from a CB750 back in '72 and is sure to be worth as much as the British bikes in another 20 years or so.
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