magicmat wrote: She will probably be so intimidated and overwhelmed by the court system that there is a chance she will falter. Just the sort of hardened criminal we need our glorious parking enforcement officers to make an example of. Imagine if we let these debauched grey haired terrorist roam our city streets unchecked!
Have to agree with you
Jan 17, 8:31pm
I used to do service work in Wellington CBDnever even bothered to put money in meters, double parked ,bus stopsloading zones etc , just sent WCC a cheque every month & added it toclients bills .
Jan 17, 10:43pm
Now that's what I call arrogant.
Jan 18, 12:18am
You just answered your own question there.
Jan 18, 2:12am
I call it smart. Probably saved his clients money by not dicking about finding a park on their time.
Jan 18, 12:31pm
The camera car has been taken off the road,according to the local news,what a waste of someones money.
Jan 18, 3:34pm
This is just another example of logic being erased by money. Sure, parking in busy cities has become a paid comodity but like many councils it has been milked to its extremes with parking enforcement officers adopting an over zealous approach in an effort to squeeze every last drop of milk from said cow. Of course what people readily forget is that it is to the councils advantage every time their enforcement officers issue an infringement notice - lets face it, the fine is usually significantly greater than the cost of parking.
As for the OP, precisely what is the definition of "parking". In my relatively basic understanding of the english language it would be a different definition to "stopping" with the intent of being courteous to another road user.
Jan 18, 4:19pm
From the Land Transport (Road User) Rule "parking means,??
Jan 18, 5:44pm
Damn i should have taken a pic of that council car parked in a bus stop.There'll be a next time i'm sure, although i very much doubt they'll ticket themselves :P
Oct 3, 1:48pm
The rules have exceptions for vehicles involved in enforcement or public works. That means the Councils can't spin the line that every "offence" is a matter of public safety or they wouldn't be able to do it themselves.
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