I got a parking ticket once. And I fully deserved it, couldn't argue with it and didn't even get too upset about it. because I chose to take the risk and not put a coin in the meter while I was doing something in town for 10 minutes,and they got me. Fair enough.
But this story below actually pisses me off, for it shows that the Wellington City Parking Maggots really are beneath the pale.
Well that just shows their lack of ability to analyse a scenario and make judgement off what they observe, instead they treat the rule book as god almighty and anyone upsetting this god will die a torturous death.
It reminds me of a quote I read about aviation operators and rules: "A compliant organisation is not necessarily safe, and a safe organisation is not necessarily compliant"
What they are saying there is that the rules are more guidelines and that blind following of the rules is not always going to keep you safe, the rest is up to you.
Jan 16, 5:30pm
Yea i reckon the council are anti cars in the city,when ever we go in to the shops we can never find a park and when we do it cost an arm and a leg to park there,reckon its got something to do with the present mayor,so long Wellington city shops,it used to be a nice city to visit.
Jan 16, 5:34pm
Moral of the story 'Never move over or get out of the way of a coucil vehicle' (when you're acting lawfully)
Might go and look for council vehicles in cul-de-sacs now.i'm bored LOL.
Jan 16, 5:45pm
I go out of my way to hinder the mongrels.
Jan 16, 5:50pm
Today went to hospital, Parked to close to a driveway. Wasnt obstructing the driveway at all but was suppose to be a metre away from the drop in curb he said. I didnt get angry and said yeah fair enough my mistake and he let me off with a warning. Hats off to you sir!
Jan 16, 6:03pm
If parking on a yellow was so dangerous in this case then what about double parking alongside!
"But instead the camera vehicle stopped and an occupant took a photo while it was alongside her vehicle.
"He took the photo right in my face through the driver's side window." "
I don't think the enforcement attitude has anything to do with the present Mayor as they behaved like this for some time.
Unless you expect to park right in front of the shop you're going to I haven't found finding a park is a problem.
Jan 16, 6:04pm
I have to agree with the council on this one: yellow lines are usually there because it is unsafe for a vehicle to stop there, not to just generally inconvenience people, nor as a revenue gathering device.If you want to pull over and let someone past, find somewhere safe to pull over.Stopping on yellow lines is not safe.It does seem a bit harsh for them to fine her, and the action of photographing her is a bit over the top.But she did break the law, so face up and pay it.
Jan 16, 6:08pm
This is true.
But in inner-city Wellington the places where there's enough space for one car to pass another can be few & far between. So often you have to run with what is physically possible, rather than what would be grammatically correct in an ideal world!
So I still say it's bloody rude to give someone a shafting when they are trying to help you out!
Jan 16, 6:24pm
In many places, yellow lines exist in proximity to traffic lights, so if you are three or four vehicles back from vehicles stopped at the lights, you are stopping on yellow lines! What are you suppopsed to do, shunt the vehicles in front of you out of the way!
Jan 16, 7:18pm
"The council's parking services manager, Colleen Thessman, told Ms Reeves in an email she had thoroughly investigated the case. "The investigation involved looking at historical data related to your vehicle in the parking system, viewing previous correspondence and looking at previous photographic evidence. The two drivers of the dash camera vehicle have also been interviewed," she wrote."It would appear from that, that she just MAY have a history of illegal parking perhaps!
Jan 16, 8:36pm
I really don't see how thats relevant to this particular case
Jan 16, 10:02pm
The mayor made an announcement when she was elected that she wanted less cars in the city. They will have a toll on the road in next.
Jan 16, 11:03pm
What a good bloke and good on you for admitting it. Another one is half a m from fire hydrants
Jan 16, 11:20pm
You sound like the sort of f&#$%^t that would be a parking enforcement person for the council.
Jan 16, 11:21pm
if you stop on yellow lines as part of a traffic manouver, it is not parking.I was charged along similar lines in the early 70s and was let off in court
Jan 16, 11:57pm
"Parking on a yellow line creates danger," the spokesman said. I don't know whether to laugh or cry
Jan 17, 1:50am
Danger to who! The deskbound jerk that happens to be standing on it in the confused state of mind that makes him think it's a filing cabinet!
Jan 17, 2:07am
just wait till the food-law is passed then you will be done for swapping a jar of jam. without license.
Jan 17, 2:36am
So surely the lady in the story above, who pulled over to let the council vehicle past, was engaged in a traffic manouver!
Jan 17, 2:41am
Lets hope the lady wins and we get to read it in the DomPost . Fortunately the media seems to be having a go at the spy camera car. Remember when they introduced a rule that you couldnt give your part-used Parking coupon to another driver as you were leaving!
Jan 17, 2:48am
OMFG. in the context of the whole scenario I cant see how anyone could see this as an abhorrent act of revenue gathering. I mean, the poor old dear was so intimidated she was actually shaking so much she had to wait to drive off! Absolutely pathetic and this council goon should be made an example of - what a dirty piece of scum.
Jan 17, 2:51am
PATHETIC. How is Stopping on Yellow Lines Dangerous. It usually causes some visibility issues but hardly"NOT SAFE" And if its only for a few seconds its even less so. Hope the lady gets costs against the council.
Jan 17, 2:55am
I just hope that she is able to get her point across clearly
Jan 17, 3:15am
She will probably be so intimidated and overwhelmed by the court system that there is a chance she will falter. Just the sort of hardened criminal we need our glorious parking enforcement officers to make an example of. Imagine if we let these debauched grey haired terrorist roam our city streets unchecked!
Justice = 1 Grey haired Transit Terrorist = 0
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