Morrisman - you about?

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flashgordon_nz, Jan 24, 3:14am
hey, how are you!
Hows the mighty mazda!
check out my listing.
(Yeah yeah, self promotion etc. yeah right!)

That is the sentra we have talked about, in action.

morrisman1, Jan 24, 3:17am
G'day, yes Im about but it appears you have no listings. Id love to see it in action, Ill be able to show you a video of a friend's weekend racer pulsar after tomorrow, We are going to take it out to teretonga too and go for a blat.

Edit, its popped up now.

flashgordon_nz, Jan 24, 3:19am
lol. trade me took their time on that one aye!

what year/engine/body is the pulsar!

morrisman1, Jan 24, 3:22am
1991 pulsar x1r sedan, ga16de. Stock except for 4-1 headers and 2 1/4 exhaust with side exit.

Have you investigated what gearbox the CA16de powered n13 pulsar milano (!) has in it! Some of those advertise that they have LSD

morrisman1, Jan 24, 3:23am
Id love to find an LSD for the mazda, but unfortunately only option is a phantom grip thingee. Only LSD available is for the big brother gearbox and only in the GTR familia as far as I know

flashgordon_nz, Jan 24, 3:25am
ah. got a proper nissan workshop manual off tm, and compared the bell housing pictures. not really a goer. there have been suggestions that the gearbox is the same, but different bell housing, but, well, till its done, who knows. there surely has to be one of these kicking around.

morrisman1, Jan 24, 3:28am
If it is the same gearbox then can you pull the diff out and put it in your current box!

flashgordon_nz, Jan 24, 3:28am
yeah, I'm wondering about a phantom grip also.

flashgordon_nz, Jan 24, 3:29am
possibly could, althou all the forums i find about it, they just change the gearbox and l/h driveshaft.

morrisman1, Jan 24, 3:32am
What kinda racing are you doing with the sentra!

flashgordon_nz, Jan 24, 3:32am
your running the b dohc 1500 aye!

morrisman1, Jan 24, 3:33am
You should also have my email address in your inbox too

flashgordon_nz, Jan 24, 3:34am
carclub/hillclimb stuff really. thou i have to sort the suspension - it just doesn't move - well and truly set up for circuit!

flashgordon_nz, Jan 24, 3:36am
i had a 90 astina with the dohc 1500cc motor. so similar to the 16 and 1800, but so, so different - ya just can't seem to get the big strong "bolt on bits" like for the big blocks!

morrisman1, Jan 24, 3:36am
B6ZE in the mazda. GA16DE in the sentra. Out of interest, can you have a look on your engine and see if it has the VCT solenoid! Mine doesnt but the jap models do. It is on the back of the head, close to the timing chain and looks like a 23mm nut which is about 50mm deep and will have a connector on the end. If you dont have it then theres just a big nut blanking in the head

morrisman1, Jan 24, 3:38am
The BP engine is the 1800 and thats got all the good bits available. The B6ZE model is relatively uncommon, only being 1989 I think. Same engine as the Miata though but I dunno what is cross compatible.

flashgordon_nz, Jan 24, 3:38am
i all check that out, cause i read about that. um, the n14 didn't, and the n15 did from memory! but i will check that out next time I'm in the workshop

pollymay, Jan 24, 3:39am
I wanted to start my car today but a fuel pump shat itself at about 10pm so I gave up. For the best though, it would be 11pm by the time I was done fidgeting and there would be a 99% chance I'd take it to rev limiter with flames coming straight out the open turbo

morrisman1, Jan 24, 3:40am
yea, do. N14 sentra doesnt seem to but N14 pulsar does. N15 pulsar does also but I cannot confirm if N15 sentra does or not, Ive never seen a GA16de powered n15 sentra that I can recall.

The VCT is unique to the GA16DE, As far as I know the GA15 never had it.

morrisman1, Jan 24, 3:41am
As long as you do it next to the retirement village, they will all have their hearing aids off by then.

Engines are rather noisy on the rev limit with no exhaust aye!

geedubu, Jan 24, 3:42am
Morrisman, did you ever think about racing a Morris!

pollymay, Jan 24, 3:43am
The whole world is a retirement village it seems. I'm going to drift it around the paddock with just a downpipe I'm sure. Not making an exhaust before I figure out if my axles will hold up.

Without an exhaust all you can hear is the exhaust turbine wheel screaming at 150,000rpm or whatever it spins at, love that noise.

flashgordon_nz, Jan 24, 3:44am
got ya email morrisman - are you on FB!

morrisman1, Jan 24, 3:44am
If I had a budget then I would, but it would take megabucks to get one up to race standard. Absolutely everything would need looking at. Probably involve conversion to 5 link rear end, double wishbones at the front, brakes, engine, gearbox, diff, and the list goes on. At this stage I dont have the money to get into that sort of thing and also I must try not to over-commit myself because my chosen career may require me to drop everything and jump ship at the drop of a hat, hence why I am placing priority on getting my Morry ute finished so that it is not a half done project sitting on the other side of the world!

morrisman1, Jan 24, 3:45am
Yea I am. Ill send you through a way to find me.