Got a $150 ticket for running an Orangy/Red arrow light.
I've heard in the past you can get off a ticket if any information on the ticket is wrong. Is this true!
The time on the ticket says 16:50, but it was infact 17:50.
I can prove I was at a doctors appt with my daughter at 16:50.
Jan 26, 1:08am
Usually they just send you out a new (corrected) ticket.
Jan 26, 1:14am
Just plead not guilty, take it to court, and then present your evidence, otherwise they will amend ticket and send you a new corrected one.
Jan 26, 1:17am
Just pay the ticket
Jan 26, 1:20am
old wives tail in this day and age sorry. Maybe if they got every detail on the ticket totaly wrong you could argue but a wrong birth date miss spelled name or whatever wont get you off.
Jan 26, 1:21am
If your guilty,you should pay.
Jan 26, 1:27am
wrong time of day is going to get you off.
just say you were at a doctors appointment. dont let the cops know WHY you will defend it. just surprise them on the day with your doctors evidence.
running a yellow light is the dumbest ticket and a blatant revenue gather.
Jan 26, 1:34am
orange red arrow light!, so you entered the intersection on a green but was held up waiting to turn ( arrow), by the time it was clear the lights had gone orange or even red what were you supposed to do, reverse back across traffic and force the now waiting line to back up to fit you in!
Jan 26, 1:39am
So why are you in possession of a ticket if you were at your doctor then!Or did the cop visit you there! he gave it to you so you cant say he didnt.
Jan 26, 1:41am
Jan 26, 1:48am
As I said, I've heard in the past you can get off if there is a mistake.
I know I will proberly end up paying it. But like anyone, if I don't have too, I won't.
Jan 26, 1:54am
By all means fight it, it is your right and even says so on the ticket. But weigh up the time hassle costs etc to do so and it will prob work out cheaper to just pay it. Once apon a time you could get off for all manner of reasons but no longer. Can you see how this will go down in court though. YOU, I have a ticket from Mr plod here but I was at doctor and cn prove it. JUDGE, So how did you come into possesion of this ticket sir! YOU, Um eer well ya see. JUDGE, pay the fine plus court costs. But it may not be like that at all. Good luck though.
Jan 26, 1:57am
How about you learn how to drive before you drive into the side of someone's car!
Jan 26, 2:03am
also dont forget found guilty in court these days and on top of everything else theres the victim levy $50.00
Jan 26, 2:03am
No one else was moving. Because it was orangy/red, the cars on other side of road were still waiting for their light to turn green.
Ok, as for getting off. Maybe back in the day, but not now.
That's cool. I'll just have to sell some stuff.
Jan 26, 2:44am
boneysteve-DID YOUgo through a red light or not! If definitely NOT then go for the doctor for a moral victory If you are looking for an out for financial reasons -NOPE taint gonna happen. Option 1) stretch out paying the ticket to the end of the SECONDmonth -thats $75 a month -less than $20 a week. Option 2) take it to court. --Ok first theres a day off work -even at minimum wage thats a loss of $100.00 plus the cost of getting to court etc.Then you stand up with your clear evidence you were at the doctor at the time on the ticket. -Trouble is mr plod has your licence number and rego number on the ticket proving you received the ticket or someone driving your car presented your licence. Who's the judge gonna believe! so you have the origonal ticket plus court costs plus $100 loss of wages.
Jan 26, 3:11am
'Offender' levy. A total load of rubbish.
Jan 26, 3:15am
I'd defend it on the grounds that I felt I could not stop safely in the available space. Time the length of the signal on orange and correspond it back to the width of the intersection and the speed limit for that road. Then see if you could stop in that distance based on those figures when reaction time is factored in.
Jan 26, 3:35am
In the old days, if you had a reasonable excuse, you could get off sometimes, but these days, there is NOBODY in the Police,that really understands what actually happens andgoes on on the roads , they simplyhave no idea, and even if they had any initiative, they are not allowed to use it.everything is black and white, so they have created a Them and Us situation.
Jan 26, 6:52am
A good motorist won't find themselves running an orange light because they will have worked out ahead of time if its going to be possible to get through the intersection without the cars in front holding them up.
Twits that block lanes because THEY ABSOLUTELY HAD TO GET THROUGH THE INTERSECTION. and couldn't wait a couple of minutes deserve DOUBLE tickets in my opinion.
For every jacktard that holds up an intersection because they were too stupid to stop there's an entire lane either side of people that get held up and the effect domino's through out the whole city, stuffing it up for everyone.
It should be a summary execution imo.
Jan 26, 8:14am
I drift through redlights, I don't even indicate
Jan 26, 4:16pm
ok so you DID go through a light that you could have stopped at, BUT you did NOT go though it at the time the ticket states, therefore you are innocent of what the ticket states you did. Id defend it but id be waiting a month to see if they re-issue a new ticket with the correct date. maybe you have an eftpos recipt or something you can use to prove you were not in the place at the time you are alleged to have gone through the orange light!
Jan 26, 4:18pm
Yep, and pay the fine.
Jan 26, 4:19pm
But no motorist, no matter how 'good', can predict the duration of the orange signal that the traffic engineer has selected based on the road markings at the time they did so.
Jan 26, 4:21pm
But they can't do that if it's more than 6 months since the alleged offence.
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