You've obviously failed to understand. Lots of things by the sounds of it.
Just because the light is green doesn't mean you can or should go through it.
Jan 26, 4:45pm
You obviously imagine things because I never said it did.
I'm well aware of the intersection blocking rule and abide by it, not because it's law, but because it's considerate. I was taught "You may not enter an intersection if your path across it or exit from it is blocked by stationary traffic" as was the wording of the rule then but I always take it one step further and predict that there will be stationary vehicles in the intersection by the time I'm about to enter based on traffic further ahead than the vehicle immediately in front of me (something unusual for NZ drviers, I know) and thus make allowance for this stopping short of the limit line.
Jan 27, 12:21am
Jan 27, 12:31am
Exactly this . but yes you would probably get off the ticket on the technicality
Jan 27, 2:48pm
I got of a ticket once, for no reg. They had my name but wrote the rego down wrong. Looked up car jam to see it was a all legal truck so wrote away and said that "my truck" was and still is legal. They must of looked it up and found it was so had a nice letter in the mail saying they had decided to wave the fine.
Jan 27, 3:54pm
Was it a short wave, the preferred mode of communication for homosexuals!
Jan 27, 5:54pm
You might get let off, but as has been mentioned it will cost you alot of time and hassle, the system never makes it easy to save your money.
Jan 27, 7:44pm
or next time cause an accident when running lights
Jan 27, 7:58pm
Good point.
At the very least it costs you time to defend frivilous allegations made by Police. But it is very satisfying.
Jan 27, 7:59pm
Being mindless you're well suited to following rubgy.
Jan 27, 8:06pm
The New Zealand legal system has nothing to do with you being guilty or not guilty. It is all to do with points of law, so if you can prove that you were elsewhere at the time as stated on the ticket then you will get off. Do not show your cards till you get to court then ask the cop a load of questions relating to the ticket including what time he issued it.He will state the time on the ticket as being the time he stopped you and issued it. The proscecuter will try and say it was a clerical error when you reveal your cards but you already have them because the cop has verbilly agreed to this timewhen questioned. You now need to prove that you could not have been driving at that time because you were with the doctor so you are not guilty of going through the light. May need your doctor to appear as a witness. May cost a small fortune in lawyers and time off work etc, so weigh up your options of paying the $150 or fighting it. You may be able to claim costs as well.
Jan 27, 10:18pm
next time you drive through a red light you might get more that a ticket but it'll be someone else's fault eh !
Nov 9, 7:09am
So how come he has a ticket in his possession then! the tooth fairy give it to him. Fact. He broke the law. Fact. Cop seen it and ticketed him for it. Fact. He now has said ticket. Fact. He wasnt at the doctor when he got the ticket. I doubt any sain (and you have to wonder about that to) judge would dissmiss the ticket because the cop made a simple era. They make simple little mistakes everyday just like you and I do. This is not a murder trail where being somewhere else at the time is kinda important to your case. But he wasnt when he was givin a ticket. im sure a doctor would appear on the stand for $150 ticket. not.
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