Newtech filler wellington

cazspa, Jun 10, 3:13am
wheres best/cheepestplace to buy newtech in Wellington

wellabolla, Jun 10, 3:27am
Super cheap auto
Or premier paints out in petone

cazspa, Jun 10, 3:45am
cheers thanks

grangies, Jun 11, 4:52am
Is it still called Newtech!

As in the actual stringy fibrous filler that turns hard as rock, !

Not an easy substance to use, for a novice.

dazza318, Jun 1, 4:59am
Shame that F.B.S up the top of Rata Street,Nae Nae use to sell it for $50 a big can which was 4 or 3.5 litre can i can't quite remember, i went there a couple of years ago but they don't sell no more which is a bummer.