Who makes bandsaw blades in sth auckland?

purplegoanna, May 24, 6:28pm
need a couple for an old hobby saw we have.have the original in bent used and beaten condition for size etc.

pericles, May 24, 6:30pm
Penrose any good

purplegoanna, May 25, 12:27am
yip we go to one place in penrose (the name evades me) but hubby wants to try somewhere else both quality and pricewise.

whqqsh, May 25, 12:36am
Thodes, penrose

jrlaw, May 25, 4:18am
yellow pages!

woody1946, May 25, 4:27am

easygoer, May 25, 5:53am
http://www.tradetools.co.nz/cgi-bin/index-flash.htm go to services at top of screen then custom bandsaw welding at left of next page

purplegoanna, May 25, 5:58am
thanks all.cant wait to get machine up and running again.

icemans1, May 25, 9:25am
as far as i know, they have moved from their

icemans1, May 25, 9:27am
i think they get their bandsaw blades done at thodes

whqqsh, May 25, 12:01pm
if they have then it was bloody quick, I was there (Station Road) only a few dayys ago

jezz43, May 25, 2:21pm
look up sawdoctors in auckland, they can make any bandsaw blade to size on the spot.

natalana, May 31, 8:42pm
Try GP Sawdoctors in East Tamaki.

pericles, Apr 25, 7:01am
thodes, have one of the better names in the business, I use them for the timber yard