Class 2 in Auckland - where to go?

jock_in_nz, May 18, 2:33am
Has anyone went for their C2 in Auckland recently! Any recommendations for a good training provider! I'm wanting to go through an approved driving school and get my C2 in two or three days. Cheers.

gilligan2, May 18, 2:43am
Have you got a learners c2!

jock_in_nz, May 18, 2:56am
Yeah I'm going to sit that in the next few weeks. Sorry, should have added that bit.

gilligan2, May 18, 3:12am
You will have to wait 6 months between learners and full. Use google to find the right place.

henderson_guy, May 18, 3:14am
The purpose of an approved driving school is that you get it in 2 or 3 days, not 6 months. Sorry OP, I did mine in Tauranga, but there should be plenty of schools around and they are all more or less the same.

jock_in_nz, May 18, 4:38am
Yeah a few of the places I phoned are quoting similar prices. Was hoping for a recommendation of a good trainer in Aucks. Thanks for the replies anyway.

skinhead88, May 18, 5:03am
theres all sorts of places to do it, but the thing to remember is at some schools they do not provide a vehicle and a rental is not covered in the costs, that is extra to be covered by you. Ace driver training in penrose/otahuhu are good, did my c4 there years ago and also passrite in onehunga are another one that provide vehicles did my c5 with them about 5 years ago. unsure nowadays what the costs are though.

henderson_guy, Mar 6, 7:52am
Expect to pay around $1000, a mate of mine is doing his c2 at the moment.