Wellington ParkWise!

ann_cody, May 2, 4:51am
came out of my flat this morning on mt vic and had two fines on my windscreen for no wof and no rego, 4hundred dollars, The 'officer' issued them at 9.05am on a sunday, also I havnt used my car since they both ran out. should i have to pay that! Would you!

jezz43, May 2, 4:53am
was your car parked on the road! if so, your using the road still, therefore eligible for a fine

iceboy26, May 2, 4:56am
I don't know if I agree with that. If the property doesn't have any OSP, then the street is the only alternative - what are you meant to do, store it!

jezz43, May 2, 4:58am
its no different than parking in town and having a traffic warden issue you with a fine outside a shop is it! your still on the road. as for what your meant to do, keep your car up to date would be easiest option.

johnf_456, May 2, 4:58am
You will have to pay, if its on a public road. Doesn't matter if stationary or moving the ticket is still valid.

crzyhrse, May 2, 5:00am
Use is irrelevant. If on public property, it is required to display current evidence of inspection and a current vehicle license. That is irrespective of whether it actually has either and yours not only wasn't displaying either, it doesn't even have either.

jono2912, May 2, 6:23am
If you get your reg and wof, THEN write in about them, and explain what has happened, the police normally let you off, not so sure about city councils.

ann_cody, May 2, 6:29am
im selling it/getting rid of it anyway, also i am unemployed.

johnf_456, May 2, 6:31am
You should keep it, a you will need the car when you get a job and b. it will help you get to interviews. Have you talked to winz, thats what they are there for.

johnf_456, May 2, 6:34am
WINZ will also help you find work also, you cannot really on public transport when you don't know where the interviewer will choose the location. Oh and all the best, keep at it, apply for anything you thing you can do and you just don't know where you will end up. Good luck!

kcf, May 2, 3:35pm
What's the car!Since you're in Wellington.

I *think* you should be able to answer that question, as I see you don't have a car listed, so you shouldn't get into trouble for promoting your own ad.

I guess if you phrased it "I am thinking about selling my car, how much is it worth!" then that should keep you inline with the rules here,

i-n-horz, May 2, 4:28pm
Ditch the tin-top get a motorcycle or scooter,easier to park cheaper to run just keep the cc rating down for rego costs.park it in your lounge if you wanted to.

johnf_456, May 2, 11:35pm
Bikes are not right for everyone, shopping, loads, passengers which is why most motor bike owners have a car and bike. Keep the car and talk to winz and most likely you have already put a lot of time and money into that car already.

i-n-horz, May 3, 5:15am
He lives in a flat in Wellington with no parking for a vehicle.
If your in a flat it's most likely you don't own it therefore loads from Mitre10, I.T.M. the local landscape supplier etc for renovations wouldn't be necessary.
On my pushbike I have a backpack, saddle bags and a carrier which can carry more groceries than a person can carry physically and I shop for a large family.
As for passengers they can ride along side or if it's powered jump on the back other than that he'd have to find a park somewhere and probably pay for it or move house to where parking is available.
The cars dropped him 400 hundy in debt already and that's before renewal of
rego / wof and that's before any repairs or maintenance the car may require to get to a road legal standard.

ann_cody, May 3, 5:42am
I have a 1989 Mazda Familia, booking wof this week, it should pass but when money is extremely tight it is hard to even afford the wof, am definatly going to get another car but the car i have now is abit more 'dodgey' looking than what i would now like to own. wanting around $900, and yes, i have a flat that is about 60 steps up from the road. Do u know anyone that is a teen wanting a small car to learn in! also does anyone know of any panelbeater/car sprayers job going in wellington, i am extremely passionate and hate having nothing to do each day.

kcf, May 3, 3:52pm
The boy racer crowd *love* the Familias (other than Astinas).That being the case, you can probably get an ok return just chucking it on $1 reserve.But, be prepared for a million and one semi literate wallies texting or making stupid offers like "I giff you hundy CASH now".

ann_cody, May 3, 4:24pm
yes its difinatly for the boy racer crowd, as i was into that when i got the car but have grown up abit now. and yeah i know, thats the problem haha

kcf, May 3, 4:34pm
manual or auto, which engine, and how many doors!

ann_cody, May 3, 4:53pm
manual, two doors, near new tyres with alloys.
its just a 1500 dohc motor. good motor have just had the motor serviced, just replaced the whole cooling system.

ann_cody, May 3, 4:54pm
Yeah, i guess they can do it, but totally unfair.

kcf, May 3, 5:00pm
Get a new WOF, and then you should get at least $1500 for it.Small car + new WOF = more than $900.Then when you're working, get something shinier.

I'm tempted to come have a look at it myself, I really like the "BG" generation Familias :-)Cheap little cars to run, and last pretty much forever.Used to have oodles of them on the fleet when I worked at a rencal car company many moons ago.

ann_cody, Jan 9, 9:14am
yea, i love them, but need to get rid of it, ive only ever had three cars and two have been 89 familias, run forever. and yeah cheap on gas