Auckland airport parking

ringo2, Apr 1, 10:11pm
There are several ofthem.use Google

74nova, Apr 2, 1:54am
Theres one by the new round about but to get the $5 or $6 aday you have to leave the car there for more than 5 days. Theres always a catch somewhere.

johnf_456, Apr 2, 1:57am

Not hard at all

socram, Apr 2, 3:12am
Park n' Fly!Always seems a pain and more expensive when you havea short trip, like less than a full day.

lusamca, Apr 2, 3:18am
Try bucks a day for more than 7 days and 9 bucks if less. We have used them and they were great.

tuttyclan, Apr 2, 4:07am

trogedon, Apr 2, 4:11am
Thanks guys. $9 a day is fine. The park closest to the airport is $30 / day!

trogedon, Apr 2, 4:12am
Of course I should ride my bike and chain it to the railings.

johnf_456, Apr 2, 4:18am
Might be a bit hard going along the motorway carrying a suit case

unideck, Apr 2, 5:31am
Hey Trog, thats a good rate :) was at the airport today for about an hour and a half, cost me $15.00 to park. On the way home dropped in at the BP Autobahn and got my young fella to fill the TD5 Discovery up and on my return from the toilet he had done a great job, filled it with 98 petrol haha, three hours later after a great guy from the AA came and sucked it all out costing $150 plus the $180 of now useless fuel down the drain it was a priceless day :)

whqqsh, Apr 2, 3:34pm
What time departure & return!, we live 5 min from airport & plenty of parking, if times right can probably drop off & pick up

unideck, Apr 2, 9:04pm
I know, was having a good week until that hit me smack in the eye lol, hey, its only money :) recon he learned a lesson too but he still can't fathom why I was laughing (if I didn't I would have killed him), kids, who'd have em!

trogedon, Apr 2, 9:37pm
Yek, that is one expensive lesson right there!But hopefully two worthwhile lessons ??

trogedon, Apr 2, 9:39pm
Cheers, I'd be happy to give you the loot (if you're serious!!).
Leaving Tues 12.05PM and back in Wed 12.25PM. Reasonable hours!

asa50, Apr 2, 11:57pm
Still cheap, in a few years he will be crashing the thing!

unideck, Apr 3, 4:09am
Haha, already told him its his when he gets a license, its the G4 spec so still feel a tad better giving it to him plus allthe steelwork that surrounds the beast :) just need to explain the birds & bees re petrol and diesel, hes only 12 :)

pat56, Apr 3, 3:54pm
There is a thread on Travel & many say the Koru & Air NZ parks are very reasonable.

whqqsh, Apr 3, 11:49pm
sounds cool, will leave contact details on one of your auctions

whqqsh, Sep 27, 4:43am
have left details but havent heard from you yet, youll need to ring tonight for me to rearrange my day, no point ringing tomorrow as I dont know where or what Ill be doing.