Where's the big advertising blitz they said would happen first!
Feb 1, 6:17pm
I still can't believe they are changing the rukes because people are too stupid to drive. Now I predictmore rear end incidents as people wait in the middle of the road to be allowed to turn, madness.
Feb 1, 6:22pm
don't get me wrong, I am in favour of the rule change which brings us in line with the rest of the world. Many times, I want to turn left but someone behind me in my lane wants to go straight on. I don't know, neither does the opposite turning vehicle know whether the car behind me will change lanes and drives right past, or wait and expect me to give way to the opposite turning car first. It's a total mess and the sooner the change, the better.
Feb 1, 6:52pm
Two months away yet. Do it too soon and people get confused (ie think it starts now). I reckon it'll only really start maybe a week out.
Feb 1, 7:03pm
Cant see why we had to change, why doesnt the rest of the world change!
Current rule is really pretty simple, if the other car is going to hit you in the drivers door, you give way.simple
Feb 1, 7:16pm
Yeah that's it - remember that when you go straight through an intersection and somebody turns right, into your door.
Feb 1, 7:26pm
Some drivers are already applying the new rule, had someone yesterday turning left into street and Im turning right into same street but he didnt give way to me so we almost collided (yes,you in the black Chrysler PT). Or maybe he just didnt like the idea of giving way to my old car, alot of posh drivers tend to flout the rules when they come across older cars like mine (no indicating, not giving way etc) Because I dont drive the latest BMW or Merc I am therefore subhuman and dont deserve to be treated with the same respect as others. Anyway, this period leading up to the rule change will most likely be the most confusing as some drivers will already be applying the rule while others will wait for the official date and others possibly wont even know whats going on especially if theres no big advertising campaign by authorities.
Feb 1, 7:29pm
Cripes, kamikaze5, when I drove a bit of a junker, and made it clear that the right of way was mine, people in the newer cars always gave way.
Some of them did so even when they had the right of way. Of course, it may have been nothing to do with any road rash on the car. Might have been they just didn't know the road code.
Seems there are quite a few motorists who don't.
Feb 1, 7:29pm
I can't wait for the rule change - fabulous!
I had one incident where I thought the car approaching was turning left into the road I wanted to turn right into, so I took what was my right of way and pulled out in front of him. except he had only left his indicator on by accident. and nearly t-boned me.Bloody dangerous rule.
Feb 1, 7:38pm
In that event your insurer would have chased theirs for the money - even without witnesses - why!Because their indicator would have been on at the time of the crash and the bulbs will have blown
Feb 1, 7:46pm
You're an idiot if you go only by indicator and no rule changes will help you.
Feb 1, 7:54pm
They were driving a Chrysler PT ! Then you would have been in the right either way because they know nothing about cars or driving.
Feb 1, 7:57pm
Rubbish. Insurance companies operate on a knock-for-knock basis for a start. No money changes hand between them. And while technology exists to determine if a filament is distorted from being on when there is a collision they're unlikely to employ such a tactic for a minor crash.
Feb 1, 8:08pm
i drive a truck and trailer and i can see me blocking the road while waiting to turn right.god help the first person to give me the evil look.lol.
Feb 1, 8:18pm
Actually they do - if your statement shows they were indicating to turn and thus you had right of way then if their statement refutes this and the bulb and light is broken the only way to prove this is a non-witnessed accident is to prove it by getting the light examined - it hardly takes a genius - an AA staff member could figure it out even ! Lol
I know - why! because i have had a claim such as this appealed by the wrong doer and they tried to get ME to pay for THEIR mistake saying i JUST PULLED IN FRONT OF THEM!
Seeing as how i was stopped fully and waiting patiently for traffic to clear it was nothing of the sort - no rushed dash for a gap and def not a there's a 2 sec hole i'll slam my car through hopefully move .Wasn't even my car i was driving, so i was sure as hell not going to do anything that risked it getting into a crash!
Feb 1, 8:22pm
hahaha i can well imagine - a bit like the f-wits in town who have no clue about the two lane at lights rules and both cars actually (from opposite sides of lights) going into the 2 lanes at once WITHOUT crashing lol!
So many people sit and wait for oncoming traffic to turn right before turning left in to the left hand lane because they're worried the oncoming car will want the left lane - well the code says they should turn into the right lane then indicate to move into the left lane once safe to do so
BUT do you think 99% of Kiwi road users actually know this wee snippet of information!NOPE
Usual REACTION - HONK HONK V sign or middle finger and open window shouting rah de rah to which i usually open my window and ask "have you read the road code!I suggest you read it again" and drive off
Feb 1, 9:13pm
the rule is confusing and never should have been changed in the first place! no where else in the world do you find this crazy rule, will make the traffic much safer and im glad its getting reverted back to how it used to be.
Feb 1, 9:13pm
ive had similar occurences where people have left their indicator on and think they are going to give way, cant wait for the change!
Feb 1, 9:34pm
They are only changing back to what we had in the 70s shouldnt be to difficult.
Feb 1, 9:35pm
Public awareness campaign It??
Feb 1, 9:36pm
Its not A change really,just going back to how it used to be!
Feb 1, 9:41pm
Yep well you better start thinking about re organising your route so you dont get into the situation of blocking traffic whilst doing A right hand turn! We had to years ago,its quite easy when you use your brain and sort your route out! You will find out if you dont you will be waiting for ages to turn right! You will soon learn!
Feb 1, 10:12pm
How many of today's drivers were driving in the 1970s!
And a lot of people can't even cope with road rules that have been unchanged for decades. When the rules are suddenly different, utter carnage is going to ensue.
I wouldn't mind, except that I'm going to be driving out of town to get married about a fortnight after the changeover. Will be taking it pretty cautiously on that trip.
Feb 1, 10:19pm
Was there carnage when this current road rule came in, I dont know I was overseas and came back to the rule change, didnt take long to work it out.
Feb 1, 10:22pm
That's exactly why the Road Code says Right of Way has to given, not taken.
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