As I live on a busy SH corner, I'd better get the tractors all out and clear a space in the paddock for the big pile of wrecks that there is likely to be!
Feb 2, 3:44am
actually quite a few, and lots of people want it back, i was only born in the 80's but find the new rules somewhat stupid, it will make it easier for everyone in the long run and in line with the rest of the world, stupid thing is Aussie dropped the rule ages ago, why we even decided to copy the rule from the aussies is beyond me as we dont have any trams like melbourne does.
Feb 2, 12:59pm
As nz drivers cannopt comprehend the simple rules on indicating at roundabouts I genuinely fear the outcome.
Feb 2, 2:21pm
they have now put up giant signs on some of our roundabouts to remind people to indicate when leaving the roundabout. It really gets under my skin when people dont and it nearly causes accidents because some idiots dont indicate that they are turning and you think they are going straight through.
Feb 3, 2:30am
So many drivers who are going straight ahead indicate right turn when approaching a roundabout - just because they have no 'straight ahead' indicator. Amazes me how many taxi, bus, delivery drivers do this.
Feb 3, 2:43am
No carnage not so many cars on the road back then, times when you coud drive drunk as a skunk with no seatbelts and no body cared.
Feb 3, 3:36am
congratulations on being the biggest dick on the messageboards.most times its unaviodable and in my job(fuel tanker) i can only drive a predetermined route
Feb 3, 3:45am
Im gonna fricken laugh when the rule goes ahead.Imagine all the horn blasting that will happen.
Feb 3, 6:25am
Buggered if I know but I reckon people will be confused no matter how much ahead of time the advertising starts or even continues on for! Then there will be those ( no doub't lots.) that will be completely and blissfully unaware as lots seem to be about most of the current road rules/laws etc.
Feb 3, 12:50pm
One of my pet hates. Rolling up to a round about in a truck n trailer and stopping for the dickhead indicating right that goes straight through.
Feb 3, 2:54pm
Agreed. Only indicate right if you are turning right, not if you are going straight through, Makes you think you have to give way to them because it looks like they will cross your path, then they go straight ahead and you waited for nothing missing your chance to go. Very frustrating at busy roundabouts but I was told that people like the AA( or the Police!) actually encourage this type of indication. Makes me want a siren and flashing lights lol.
Feb 3, 7:21pm
Not quite. Only indicate right if you're going more than halfway around. Always indicate left as soon as you've passed the exit before the one you're taking.
Feb 3, 7:24pm
hmm was opposite when i drove a bomb. they must have read that i had no care of them hitting my car, obviously they would care more about their car. now that i have a nicer car im more cautious about people in bombs cuz they are much less likely to care about getting a wee ding
Feb 3, 9:19pm
Will be a big increase in Give way signs at problem intersections, i reckon.
Feb 3, 9:50pm
Im more attached to my old car than alot of the poshies who update their cars all the time. I cringe at the thought of a "wee ding". Just because its old doesnt mean I couldnt care less about it thanks.
Feb 3, 9:51pm
The GIVE WAY signs at the terminating road on T-intersections will actually be redundant. So there will be plenty of spares.
Feb 4, 12:25am
This is quite true, as the cars in the position of the give way signs will have to give way regardless.Currently, they should be going first.That's the shit thing about the current rule, it only occurs by the road code under half the time, so bloody circumstantial.
Feb 4, 6:50pm
Continual dumbing down of the driving public by the overuse of signage. It's no wonder so many people crash so much - there was no sign telling them not to.
Feb 4, 7:08pm
When told you have to indicate at roundabouts, most people going straight through think they are supposed to indicate right and then indicate left. If I had a police car behind me, that's exactly what I would do.
Feb 4, 7:19pm
Not me. I always do it correctly. I look forward to arguing the point with them if stopped and in court if need be.
Feb 5, 3:18am
The current rule was a help at Pukekohe racetrack for the V8s, everyone would line up down Manakau road turning left (over 1km queue) so shoot round the back of the circuit and turn right into the entrance and they had to give way!
Feb 5, 4:52am
Roads are better designed with median strips and turning bays than they were in the 70s, so while it might have seemed appropriate at the time it's a very inappropriate rule now imo, and this is for 2 reasons: One is no one else in the world does it so when international drivers come here they put themselves and the rest of us as more risk by forgetting or just being confused. And two, there is much more cognitive overhead, coordination, negotiation, wits and looking around required for the current rules. The other way is easier and better.
Anybody who says otherwise will first have to explain why they are not just complaining about having to deal with change.
Feb 5, 4:08pm
Cant believe they are cahnging this easy to follow rule, it is truly retarded
Feb 5, 4:32pm
It's only easy to follow if the only two cars involved are the ones wanting to make the turns. It becomes very confusing if there are two lanes and you are the one on the inside turning left and there are cars behind you in your lane wanting to go straight ahead and are tooting you to go, while you are waiting for the opposite car to make his right hand turn. The rule basically says one law and then says the opposite applies if there are other cars involved. That's ridiculous.
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