They don't seem to work too well.I've seen cars approaching them and they indicate that the car is going "48km/h" or "53km/h" or whatever.But when I approach them they always say that i'm going "slow now".Am I driving too slow!Don't want to hold up the traffic.
Feb 2, 1:25am
those things have numbers in them! nah, all i see is the slow now. LOL
Feb 2, 1:26am
You must be going too slow as well!
Feb 2, 1:29am
they are a crock of crap. i drove past one and it read 53 kph, i never sped up or braked and i was pulled up by a cop who radared me 200m down the rd apparently as i passed said box. apparently i was doing 63. my speedo read 58 the whole time.
recieved a letter 2 weeks later saying ticket had been revoked. never talked to anyone except the cop at the time with whom we had a rather heated discussion on roadside
Feb 2, 1:50am
often wondered how accurate they are
Feb 2, 2:07am
Yep, we have one in Inglewood and out of our 5 cars and 1 motorcycle not one of them has an accurate speedo according to that stupid box. I know for a fact 2 of the cars and the bike are perfect as i've checked them with the GPS.
Feb 2, 2:13am
New way to collect revenue. Understate the speed on the speed indicator then ping ya with a camera 1/2km down the road.
Feb 2, 2:20am
thats the one im talking about. its a total crock. and if you bring it up, they get defensive.
btw attitude, interested in a paintjob! lol need my car sprayed
Feb 2, 2:27am
I wonder if they would have to be accurately calibrated! Probably not because i guess they're just some sort of "advisory" thing.
Always interested jezz.
Feb 2, 2:28am
Seems pointless to have them if they are not accurate. Im sure they will be consistent but whether they display the right number or not, surely that is just a basic software adjustment
Feb 2, 2:33am
They certainly areconsistent mate, same wrong number everytime.
Feb 2, 2:34am
i thought they were operated by the strips in the rd! same as the fixed speed cameras used to be.
will make contact via one of ya listings. doing something a bit different. quite a small car too
Feb 2, 2:35am
They are always within 1kph of my gps.
Feb 2, 2:43am
Nah no strips in the road, they just put up a couple of them either side of my house, must be trying to prove a point haha. No work was done to the road, just a box on a pole with a solar panel.
I believe those speed cameras with the inductive loops in the road used them to work out what car was speeding when the camera picks up more than one lane
Feb 2, 2:49am
yea i remember the waikumete cemetery hill had strips. but the box never flashed half the time. mainly due to the cop who hid halfway down the hill near palmers. i think the inglewood one has large patches on the rd too. not sure
Feb 2, 2:55am
I'll check that out tommorow lol.
Feb 2, 2:59am
have you seen the ones on the open road! i frequent auckland on a regular basis and often travel at night, on the otorohanga - ngaruwahia turnoff theres a couple on a few 65kph corners. damn near blinds ya
Feb 2, 2:54pm
That one in Inglemud needed to be on the other side of the road, We owned a property up towards the High school and the amount of speeding drivers going towards Egmont Village was incredible
Feb 2, 2:58pm
i went past one today - SatNav said I was doing 11km/h, the roadside box said 47.
Feb 2, 3:47pm
And what makes you think your GPS is correct!
Feb 2, 4:53pm
It would be highly unlikely that a speedo reads perfect given that most cars are built with a speedo reading faster than actual speed, my car is doing 96k/hr on the GPS when the speedo reads 100k/hr, is the GPS or the speedo accurate!
Feb 2, 5:45pm
I always have a navigator running whether I need it or not and I always check the readings and it is always bang on EXCEPT when there are other variables present such as other vehicles ahead, following, or going away, so are you chaps that are saying that they are all up the creek checking whether these other variables are present or not !
Additionally, I think they are a bloody good idea as they remind you of your present speed if you have been distracted (I??
Feb 2, 6:16pm
Funny that they always say that on the3 sisters on the desert road so i speed up .
Feb 3, 12:30am
Means for you to slow are going too fast
Feb 3, 12:39am
GPS is good to within 1kph
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