Trial bike riding auckland where?

turton, Feb 5, 5:30pm
I am looking to buy a cheap trial bike/offroad bike for a bit of fun on the weekends, but the only place i know of to ride would be wood hill forest, iv heard that you cant ride on the beach anymore. Are there any other places to ride! or beaches

fergus14, Feb 5, 7:54pm
100's of acres of 1 way motorbike tracks in Woodhill Forest motorbike park.

People ride in Riverhead to.

theres a few dirt bike social clubs.ask around a few motorbike shops.esp ones out Kumeu/West Auck ways

turton, Feb 5, 10:18pm
is that free! or do you have to pay

fergus14, Feb 5, 10:58pm
Its been awhile.I think its free during the week and you may pay a nominal amount on the weekends. I will see if I can find info

fergus14, Feb 5, 10:59pm

tantric5 using fergus's puter

turton, Feb 5, 11:15pm
cool thanks for that =)

glenn_michelle, Feb 6, 1:06am
trial or trail! there's a difference

turton, Feb 6, 1:09am
sorry i meant trail not trial

sr2, Feb 6, 1:22am
Woodhill rocks, I??

kerrieann, Feb 6, 9:18pm
i ride every summer all summer at muriwai .its free and brilliant,in fact i was there yesterday and there must have been at least 30 bikes in the carpark and on the beach

tantric5, Feb 6, 9:58pm
the bombing range! nuff said

turton, Feb 6, 11:37pm
sounds awesome. I guess il look for a bike now!

serf407, Feb 7, 1:06am
If you want a change of scenery and ground conditions, there is the South Auckland Trail ride series.!pID=5