thats the good stuff they use for taping people up with right!
Feb 9, 10:37pm
All the way John, none of this gay manual stuff for me.
Feb 9, 10:37pm
All the way John, none of this feminine manual stuff for me.
Feb 9, 10:47pm
Feb 9, 10:48pm
His name is NOT John!
Feb 9, 11:58pm
Duct tape it onto the steering column.Nah hang on that won't work cos when you're going sidewayzyour hand will be in the way. Thats assuming your hands on the steering wheel and not on something else.
Feb 10, 12:31am
Your leg!
Feb 10, 12:36am
G clamp to dash, make sure clamp is the same colour as your G string (o:
Feb 10, 12:56am
mount it in the rear window , so when you drag off from the lights, the person behind can see exactly when your vtec kicks in yo!
Feb 10, 1:05am
Feb 10, 1:27am
Mount it on the sun visor, you are only 5'3" so you can still see underneath it!
Feb 10, 2:38pm
what you need to do then is use cold air induction, what ive done is use 150mm ducting from the air filter into the car through the passenger window and down to the passenger main air vent, i then put the air conditioner on full cold and voila 18.7% power increase all for a 4% decrease in power loss for using the air con, see my mivec go!
Feb 10, 3:35pm
Bolt it on to the boot, then you can see it through the rear view mirror AND it doubles as amassive spoiler. Two birds with one stone!
Feb 10, 3:41pm
the NEW thing out is to mix some self rising flour with a bit of water making home made SUPER paste. then super paste it to your A-pillars. now thats pimpin'
Feb 10, 10:30pm
Message #32someone been narking again, didn't think there was much wrong with it in the context of the thread, so I might have another go (o:
G clamp it to the dash, make sure the clamp is the same colour as your G string. That's a string on a Guitar, Isn't it (o:
Feb 10, 10:48pm
must admit, removing posts like that, and sending warnings for such trivial stuff is beyond rediculous.
Besides, I dont look to bad in my g-string. :-)
Feb 10, 10:55pm
Gotta have something to throw over the tacho aye (o:
Feb 11, 1:41am
Super glue it towindscreenneed 5 tubes of it , hold it on with your fingers for hour or 3 until its set properly .Clean skin off after
Feb 11, 2:54am
U need togo 2 da shop an get sum stiky stuf bro,datz da only shiz dat wil do da job.U need 2 put da monsta tac in b side da wing mirra so all da skankys can c it aye ! it wil b SIK dog! Dnt lissen 2 al da h8rs bo,they r just gellis of Honda powr.Also i no wat im talkn bout as i hav seen FF1,2,3,4,5.Tokeo drift was da bomb! Go the boy racer and go the NCEA!
Feb 11, 3:26am
lol huh! didnt quite understand all that. can you say it again much slower this time please!
Feb 11, 8:01pm
Thats the text/type you get from young people when you sell a car on TM that is of the boy racer brand.I was thinking you may have understood boy racer text lingo/slang!
With USA movies,gangsta rap and NZs new NCEA education system text language will be all that the dim witted youth will know in the near future.
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