Yahhoooo, monsta tacho's arrived

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friendly_prawn, Feb 9, 6:18pm
Just got a special edition 8" chrome monsta tacho imported from the states.Rare find.
Hey guys, Im just wondering how to fit it to my dash!
I dont want to ruin my Honda by putting screw holes in the dash.
Whats the best way to fit it with out screwing it on. I want it to sit on the dash just above the steering wheel.
Is there some sort of glue that I can use that will wash off later.
I dont have to worry about where the wires go as Im not going to wire it up. It's just for looks.
So how best to join it on to the dash!

jezz43, Feb 9, 6:20pm
3M scotch strips lol. wont leave a mark on your precious honda

usdefault, Feb 9, 6:22pm
Selleys no more nails works fine.

sifty, Feb 9, 6:26pm
drill an 8" hole in the windscreen and put it thru that.

chris_051, Feb 9, 6:29pm
Just make sure it doesn't hide the boost gague, too much boost=floor falls out.

cuda.340, Feb 9, 6:38pm
can't fit it there, you wont get a WOF & the cops will impound your car for restricted vision. screw it to the floor in front of the passenger seat.

friendly_prawn, Feb 9, 6:51pm
huh! how am I going to see it on the floor!And where's the cool factor having a monsta tacho on the floor!
maybe if i get pulled up, i can just remove it off the dash to shut the cops up.
once they are gone i can just put it back on the dash. Problemo solved.

carstauranga001, Feb 9, 6:53pm
Drill a hole in the bonnet and mount it there. Way cooler on the outside of the car.

friendly_prawn, Feb 9, 6:57pm
no way man. dont want to get it wet. It's way too expensive for that.
I paid $23.55c. for it. Not going to put it out in the rain.

carstauranga001, Feb 9, 6:59pm
But it's too hot on the dash, it will overheat and malfunction! Like I said, it's way cooler on the bonnet.

On rainy days you can put a plastic bag over it.

di_oconnell, Feb 9, 7:12pm
does your honda have a factory tacho!

friendly_prawn, Feb 9, 7:12pm
a kind of raincoat for a monsta tacho eh! I like it. lol

friendly_prawn, Feb 9, 7:13pm
yes but it doesnt have that wow cool factor. Its just a plain jane one.

jezz43, Feb 9, 7:14pm
well seeing you forked out all that hard earned cash for it, i think if its mounted to the bonnet, it deserves a custom made housing in the shape of a scoop.

pollymay, Feb 9, 8:00pm
I've always wanted to mount dual tachos in where the brake lights should be on a car with round rear lights and have them light up red when on the brakes. They would have to be functional for super JDM 500hp factor. The shift light can be a super bright number plate light that flashes.

Everyone will know how much better I am than them 1000rpm at a time.

friendly_prawn, Feb 9, 8:02pm
Now theres an idea. Mount it on the dash and build a custom figerglass scoop around it on the dash. Now we are really cooking. yeahaa. you guys really know your bling. :-)

friendly_prawn, Feb 9, 8:04pm
wow thats such a kewl idea too. me thinks you and me can be good buddy's. :-)You do own a Honda too though, dont you!

pollymay, Feb 9, 8:06pm
I indeed have a honda. All these guys with V8s don't know what they are missing out on.

3962, Feb 9, 8:19pm
Aww, c'mon guys, don't be a boyracer stereotype. Put it on the parcel tray & you can see it through the rearview mirror.duh

foxdonut, Feb 9, 8:54pm
You mean "Floor manifold".Prawn - No one wants to loose their aftermarket floor manifold in a street race - Only use HKS or JDM branded Racing Duct Tape - 80 dollars a roll, but you gotta pay for JDM - its not like we get it for free here in NZ when it gets imported directly from Japan or anything.

johnf_456, Feb 9, 9:33pm
Is it auto

grangies, Feb 9, 9:51pm
Bolt it down on the front guard, like the old hockey stick wing mirrors in the 70's and 80's.

grangies, Feb 9, 9:56pm
If you need some wow factor clothing.

Shop here >>>> http://www.motorabilia.biz/Honda%20F1%20Racing%20Clothing.htm

bitsy_boffin, Feb 9, 10:04pm
Hot glue!

friendly_prawn, Feb 9, 10:36pm
nah, i own a honda, this is more my style.
